"this is a really fucked up show huh."

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it's almost 11PM when hyeongjun and minhee decide to take a break.

after passing out on the floor from their duel, panting - hyeongjun's head casually lying on minhee's chest, minhee's fingers lazily playing with hyeongjun's sweaty locks — they decide to watch something random off of netflix so they have an excuse to consume all of hyeongjun's snacks in one sitting. which spurs them into another passionate argument about —

"seriously? riverdale? out of all the shows on netflix, riverdale is your favorite?"

hyeongjun whines and shoves at minhee playfully, the latter genuinely stunned at the thought of someone unironically saying they like riverdale. both him and seungwoo have been addicted to crime shows since they started sharing the family netflix account, and minhee has lost count of the amount of times the criminology professor roasted the entirety of riverdale post-season one whenever it's brought up in a conversation.

("why is archie taking his shirt off every time he breathes? why do NONE of these kids ever study? they did not do heathers dirty like that what the fuck WHY IS BETTY POLE DANCING IN FRONT OF ALL THOSE MEN SHE'S 16 THIS SHOW IS RUINING MY CHILDHOOD —" "...hyung, i think it's time to take a break.")

"first you slander me, and now you judge my taste in shows? i bet you like those boring legal shows where 80% of the scenes are just dialogue."

"suits is amazing and it is not 80% dialogue -"

"let me guess, your favorite show is sherlock. or criminal minds. or both ."

"...they're amongst my favorites, yes."

"mmhmm, you're such a mystery junkie, minhee-ah. i bet you're one of those people who actually keep up to date with detective conan."


"wait are you kidding me that series is over a thousand chapters long HOW -"

"i like guessing the killer before conan does, okay!" minhee pulls a face at the poodle-haired boy, who just snorts.

"you are such a nerd. oh my god minhee, i'm friends with a nerd," hyeongjun mock cries into his hands, and minhee wants to pinch his squishy little cheeks for being so adorably irritating, "i'll only forgive you because you said stranger things is a good show. but that's it. that's it."

"oh my, i am so touched by your forgiveness, your honor." minhee raises his hand in a mock salute, and hyeongjun blindly decks him with a cushion.

"you need a redemption arc, miniyah. tell me what's your favorite black mirror episode —"

"the fuck is a black mirror?" minhee demands, and the horrified look on hyeongjun's face has him reeling.

"YOU'VE NEVER WATCHED BLACK MIRROR? YOU?" hyeongjun gawks, "mr. i'm so edgy i only watch shows with death and murder and sadness -"

minhee holds his hands up defensively, "what? i'm a psych major. i don't have that much time to watch everything off of netflix!"

hyeongjun doesn't even bother to dignify him with a response and instantly scooches over to go through minhee's netflix in desperate search for said show.

the two of them were currently relaxing on minhee's bed, surrounded by leftover snacks and drinks and an abundance of pillows stolen off the floor. laptop placed on minhee's lap, hyeongjun tucked carefully at his side, his fluffy little head resting on minhee's shoulder as he's scrolling through netflix selections on the psych major's laptop. it's domestic, minhee swoons, and he has to will his heart to calm the fuck down because even when sweaty and disgusting hyeongjun still manages to look like angel wrapped in minhee's comforter, determined, puppy-like gaze indignant under the harsh light of the LCD screen and bangs flopping messily over his eyes.

minhee wants, wants to just wrap his arms around hyeongjun's petite little waist and bring him just a little bit closer to him. but it's fine, he's not greedy. hyeongjun was basically all pressed up against him anyway, looking beautiful and adorable and irresistible and —

"found it!" hyeongjun cheers, and immediately moves back to his original position, and minhee wants to cry, except now hyeongjun's arms are linked around minhee's as he's presses a soft cheek against the taller boy's shoulder and minhee is fucking dead. DECEASED.

"so, what's the show about?" minhee asks as hyeongjun pulls him a little closer so hyeongjun can rest his head on his shoulder and minhee's heart speeds up by the thousands. his tiny body was so warm and soft and cuddable -

"the president fucks a pig."

"wait what -"

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