Chapter Two

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Tiffany's POV

I can't wrap my mind around what's going on. Dontae has not called nor text me in days. This is so not like him. He must be preoccupied. What if he doesn't care about me anymore? I feel so discombobulated.Ashley walked in fixing her hair in a high pony tail and looked at me sideways.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Ashley asked.

"Why you think something wrong with me?" I asked looking up from my phone.

"C'mon now, we been friends long enough for me to know when something wrong. I can read you like a book, it doesn't take rocket science to know when something up. What is it?" Ashley inquired.

"I don't know...its Dontae. I'm beginning to worry that something's wrong or either he's ignoring me," Tiffany solemnly stated.

Ashley came over and sat on Tiffany's bed and flashed her a questionable look.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we text and talk everyday, but every since I spent the night over there he hasn't returned a text or phone call. Is it me? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I'm just stressing over nothing. After all, he is not even my boyfriend. So, why is it getting to me?" I asked rubbing my throbbing temple. Great, now I have a headache.

"Go visit him, Nivea nem won't be back until two. Its only 11:35. A grin spread across my face and I hugged my friend and left to go see Dontae. Hopefully he is home, because I need to give him a few choice words.

Dontae's POV

I'm straightening this dorm up, since Nivea gone be back in a few hours. I don't even wanna think about her. The only person that has my mind gone is Tiffany. We haven't spoke since she left here the other night, but she been blowing up my text line and voicemail. For some reason I can't bring myself to talk to her, because I want her to myself. It hurt that we can have such a fascinating night, yet she gotta leave. I know we both in a relationship, but Tiffany should be my girl.

Knock! Knock! Knock!
Dontae's POV

Turning my neck so hard, I nearly just got whiplash. Who could that be, I thought. Nivea has a couple hours or so until she get back. Pulling on a white t shirt, I walked up to the door and opened it my mouth fell open when I saw Tiffany standing there with a scowl on her face. " Um, come in," I opened the door wider and she walked in.

"Cleaning up huh?" Tiffany asked looking around before taking a seat on my bed. She begin rolling the seam of my comforters between her fingers. Looking down as if she's thinking about something.

"Yep," I said quickly regretting my sharp response. Obviously she came over for an explanation. Its no need to beat around the bush. Fidgeting, I sit down next to her and she's still looking down. Say something, my conscious yelled.

"So..Are we just gonna sit here and twiddle our thumbs or are you gonna tell me why you've been ignoring me for the past three days now?" Tiffany asked with an attitude while leaning back on her elbows.

For a split second, I was speechless. Then, I opened my mouth to reply. "Cat got ya tongue!? What is it Dontae?" She asked standing to her feet placing her hands on her hips.

"Its complicated," I finally addmitted.

"What's complicated? I shouldn't have to text you sixty times nor call you forty. A bestfriend would have common sense to answer or respond back in some way, what if it were an emergency?" She asked with anger leaking from her voice.

"You wouldn't understand," I replied just above a whisper, yet loud enough for her to hear me.

"Why wouldn't I understand?" She asked standing up not in my face, but in my chest. She was shorter then my by a few inches.

"Because I Love you! I shouted. As soon as the words left my lips, I didn't know what to expect from Tiffany. I mean, I don't expect her to fall into my arms, but I also don't wont her to be mad at me for being real with her. She's just standing there with a blank expression on her face. Waving a hand in her face, but she doesn't even budge. Instead, she walks over to the door and slide down it and put her face in her hands.

What have I done? Rubbing my head, I begin to pace the floor. How can I fix this? I can't lose her, I just can't. "You love me?" She asked staring at me in shock. Nodding my head, I walk over to her and sit beside her on the floor. "But you have a girlfriend," she said stating the obvious.

"I know, but I don't feel the same way about her as I do about you. Its like were not even together, she keep messing around with all these other niggas. I'm just trying to find a way to break up with her. Once I find the right words, its a wrap," I stated truthfully.

"What am I suppose to do about Jerome?" Tiffany asked.

He flirt with every girl with a beating heart, its tearing us apart. Yet, I'm afraid to see how he reacts to me breaking up with him. You know that boy has anger issues," I said pulling my knees to my chest.

"Don't worry about it, we'll come up with something," Dontae said standing up extending his hand out trying to help me up. "Damn girl, you need to lay off the cornbread, you getting a little heavy," he teased. We walked over to the couch and sat down while Dontae flipped through the channels. Then, he landed on Man Vs. Food and the guy had a huge platter of spicy wings and fries. He begin shoveling the wings in his mouth, by the sixth one he wiped beads of perspiration off his forehead. The crowed cheered him on and our eyes stayed fixated on the television.

Getting comfortable, I sat on my legs and snuggled in closer to dontae. He smelled so good, then I closed my eyes as the pleasant smell filled my nostrils. All of a sudden, he put his arm around my waist and kissed me on my forehead. Sending a warm feeling through me, It felt like sparks were flying. Its not the same is it is with Jerome, I don't feel anything when he kisses me. Minutes later, I fell asleep in his arms and it was an amazing feeling. Suddenly, there was noise at the door until Nivea walked in. The only thing I could think of were two words: Oh Shit!

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