Chapter Seven

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Tiffany's POV

A week has passed an I have been dodging Dontae like bullets. Added his name to my block list and been leaving class early everyday. I'm not sure what Nivea meant by her absurd threat, but in a way I don't wanna take any chances. Everybody has a past and I never know if she knows anything about mine or not, somehow things could have gotten out. Who knows!

It hurts, because he is my bestfriend and I usually go to him about everything. Nivea and I have set up a meeting for today at four when I get off work. She gone tell me what she meant by that little threat. All I have is ten minutes left, then I can punch the clock. The only thing I need to do is wash these dishes and sweep the floor.

Plugging the sink up, I fill it with soap and hot water. Gently placing each dish in to soak before I wash it. This can get so vexatious at times, but its money in my pockets so no need to complain. Washing the dishes I place them on the other part of the sink since its a triple sink consisting of Water, soap and Sanitizer. The manager is a total clean freak, I think she has obsessive compulsive disorder. There's nothing wrong with that, we're all unique in our own way.

Rinsing and drying my hands, I pick up the broom and get to sweeping. The floor gets swept at least twenty times a day, plus were open 24/7 so we have no choice but to keep it clean. I empty the trash into the empty boxes in the back and pile all four in the trash. Rolling them out, I dispose of them in the large dumpster. Finally, I can clock out and see if this girl is here.

Standing the broom up in the corner, I sanitize my hands and punch the clock. Work keeps me going, I really would appreciate if Christmas Break was in two days instead of two weeks. When I walk out, Immediately my eyes land on Nivea sitting back with her legs crossing obsessively texting someone and smiling hard. Bitch, I thought to myself before walking up to her and having a seat.

She gave me an irritated look and I was about to snap at her, but I decided to kill her with kindness and do the total opposite.

"Hey Nivea," I politely greeted. Mind you I never call her by her name, usually I call her nascar. My terminology of nascar is something the looks good and is also fast. Nascar is the one word that describes Nivea completely.

Yea, she's a pretty girl, the only thing that makes her ugly is her attitude.

"Um, Hi. Now, why did you wanna meet me here again?" She asked placing her phone face down.

"Straight to the point, ok. Well, I wanted to know what you meant by your gradual threat a week ago," I replied.

"Do  you now?"she asked looking at herself in her phone's mirror.

"C'mon Nivea, let's not play these games. Be honest with me."

"I know all about your past, you see I have my sources. Let's be clear, I get the scoop about anybody from one person you'd never expect. I know you and Jerome aren't together anymore and all about the skeletons from your past. Oh yea, I also know how Dontae is planning to break up with me," Nivea smirked.

Something was going on inside my stomach that I could not explain. How did she know about all this? What does she mean sources? I'm at a lost for words, the look on my face is that of astonishment. Now, I feel like coming here and talking to her was a bad idea. I mean, I know Nivea is a stuck up, conceited, egotistical bitch, but I didn't know anything about sources and shit.

"Your not as smart as you look," Nivea commented.

"Tell me something, did you really think I was gonna let you take Dontae away from me. I know how close you guys are, but he will NEVER be yours. I got him wrapped around my finger like a ring, he not going anywhere," she said with an insolent look on her face.

Biting my tongue, I simply stood to my feet and walked away. I'm trying to practice avoiding bullshit. All I need right now is a hot shower to relax my tense muscles. Its bad enough finals are next week and to have all this shit with Nivea going on is not helping in the least. My brain feels like its about to explode. In times like this I would usually talk to my bestfriend, but he is the center of all of this. Maybe I should just let him go. No, what am I thinking he's been too good to me for me to just let him go that easily. Unlocking the door, I walk inside to a vacant dorm.

Sitting on the bed, I kick my shoes off. Walk to the bathroom and get some advil out of the cabinet. Running water in the glass, I down the pill. Turning the hot water on full blast, I decided to take a extremely hot shower to relax my body. It was definitely doing the trick, then I stepped out dried off and got in bed to go to sleep  for the rest of the day.

Donate's POV

Usually, Nivea would be home by now she must had cheer practice. So, I decided to play the X Box and eat junk food. Four hours into the game, I got bored and laid back in bed. Lately, I have been trying to keep myself busy so my mind wont keep wondering back to Tiffany. I don't know what it is about her, but everytime I go to do something all I can think about is how me and her did that together.

Its driving me crazy that she is not responding to me. No call. No text. No skype. No snapchat. Nothing. I punched a whole in my wall I was so upset after I called her forty times back to back and didn't get an answer. Now, that's something else besides rent, my books and my car's battery I have to pay for. "This is preposterous!" I yelled out in anger.

Pacing the floor, I couldn't take it anymore I have to see her. At least see if she's ok and why she's avoiding me. Laying an outfit on my bed, I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Got out dried off and pulled my black dickie shorts on along with my purple and black plaid short and my purple snapback. Slid my keys in my pocket and started walking.

The weather was fair, so I decided it would be better to just walk instead of wasting gas. Besides, her dorm isn't too far, anyway. As I walked up to her door, I contemplated on whether to knock or just walk in. Instead, I took the safest route and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so I knocked again still no answer. She probably gone, oh well. Turning on my heels, I started walking away until I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked poking her head out the cracked door.

"Looking for you,"Dontae said.

"What is it?"

"I wanted to know why you've been avoiding me and why I haven't heard from you in over a week now?," he implied.

She opened the door wider and gestured for me to come in. Slowly, I walked in and nothing changed about their room, I observed looking around. She sat down and I stood up waiting for her to tell me what this was all about. From my understanding, I don't believe I had done anything wrong. Maybe I did and didn't know what, I cocked my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest, expectantly.

"Sit down," Tiffany said patting the spot next to her.

"I'll stand. Are you gonna explained this to me or are we gonna just stare at each other all evening?" I stated sarcastically.

"Its your girlfriend,"Tiffany said looking down in shame.

"What about her?" I asked clenching my jaw in anger.

"She threatened me and I didn't know what else to do," Tiffany cried.

"You should've came to me, didn't I tell you I got yo back no matter what. I'll go to war for you or even walk through fire for you, because that's what bestfriends do for each other. There is nobody and I mean nobody that can tear us apart," I poured my heart out to her and she sat there crying in a river of tears. I was just being honest with her.

Sitting beside her, I took her in my arms and she laid in my lap and explained everything to me. When she said Nivea threatened her, I was about to hit the roof. She squeezed my hand and I felt all my worries soon fade away. The only person left to deal with is Nivea, I'm gone give her what she been asking for for too long. I finally got my bestfriend back and I ain't letting her go.


Do you think Tiffany was right or wrong for ignoring Dontae?

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