Chapter four: living in a world without you, is a lot harder than you'd think

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A couple days later, hop went back to work with El at his side, still wearing her silver ring. She was going to go with hop to his work for a couple of days, just until she wasn't feel so down in the dumps.

"Hey, you can come sit with me if you want. You can draw while I go through some new reports. Would you like that?" Flow suggested as El walked in to the police station with a sad expression. Flow just wanted to raise El's spirit, but it wasn't working to well.

"I think I just wanna stay with my dad." El replied talking hops hand as they enter his office.

"Ok, Hun. Feel better." Flo answered walking over to the filling cabinet.

El brought a chair over next to hops and sat down. She didn't really want to be there, but it beat crying into her pillow about someone who's never coming home. His home was now with stars and sun, that shine just as mush as he did, in El's eyes.

El sat there at hops desk all day just imagining what her the future would be like, if Mike was still here holding her hand, guiding her through life. But he's not and he never will be able to again and she's not to happy about that.

Sorry it's so short, but the next one will be long I promise. Ok, bye. ~ Lizzy1180

Published date: 7/23/20

I miss you, but your ghost still lingers (Mileven)Where stories live. Discover now