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starless, starless nightsky


on the placid evening, I gaze

upon dreaming eyes, enchanted

by the surreal clouds

darkened tapestries


galactic beauty weaved on black fabric

framed by the portrait of my windows

and no, no cosmic jewelries are etched

nor lunar mirror attached


how lonely, how lonely it is

stretching beyond the endlessness

- a rare painting, divine;


wandering, my soul goes wandering

down the deepest oceans of my heart

where lies slumbering, reposing

an entity, that became prisoner of the past


locked by the dungeons of sorrow

its wings tied and broken by society's fire

forcefully repressed, its once bright flames

now of gloomy shades and hues of grey



sorry, I am sorry


with regret, the refreshing air flowed in me

and with forgiveness, flowed out

carrying the loads of resentment

- a spiritual reawakening;


with every solid breathe, every hopeful tear

melts the opressing bars

suffocating rooms

painful ropes


lighter. smoother. easier.


beats, my heart beats once again

playing the lovely music long-silenced

as the monotonous rhythm of the world

replaced it harshly


free, the being is free at last,

I am free at last,

from the sanction of what's "normal"

and restrains of the conventional


shine, I know I will shine brightly

perhaps not in the way

that the fiery stellar blazes

as accustomed


but beautifully, magically

in the way of the starless,

starless nightsky.

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