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you are one of the best things

this world has to offer


yes, mate. you have heard it right.


and how I wish

those shaggy little ears

could digest the enormity

of that powerful truth


but what is such deficiency?


you, cute buddy

is the whole embodiment

of loyalty


the waves of your ocean skin

scopes of passionate eyes

vibrancy of those playful legs

melodies of adorable barks, and purrs

and everything!


they are expertly sewn and crafted

from the very definitions

of what this life should be about


mysteries that me

and my fellow fools

exhaust our lives trying

to decode, to decipher

and that almost all of the time

we end up losing the gamble

no matter how much time, effort,

prayers, and even our very selves

we bet and invest;


but here comes you,

assumed to be a lesser being

but unexpectedly,

bringing me the most significant

of revelations:


you taught me how to love.


love, not in the way deceiving tongues

utter sweet nothings

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