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your morning alarm would go unanswered.

yet it will continue ringing, ringing, and ringing

on pressurized melodies - so faithfully

for it knows nothing of the misfortune

that has befallen its patron.


until silence. deadpan silence ensues.

a language of conceding, of surrender

in waking your tired soul up.


but shouts. shouts will ensnare this

soundless tranmission of forfeit

as if denying an irreversible defeat.


knocks. rapid knocks will ally

these desperate pleas that in a sudden,

a serenade of irritated tunes now charms

the being inside to wake up.


"WAKE UP now, lazy bean!

What time is it already! SLEEP EARLY,

haven't I told you? Have you ever LISTENED TO ME?

You are THROWING your goddamn LIFE to the TRASH!"


louder. louder. louder.

each lyric getting sharper, and sharper, and sharper.


tempo and temper rising - presto, vivace!

at each indifferent note returned to every cold rhythm.


patience, dissipating. limit, reached.

knobs turned, doors pushed.


and revelations unfold.




shock. shock met Mother solidly

jabbing with sheer force and total surprise

paralyzing her breathing pipe,

stealing her sanity for a while.


anger turned to confusion. then disbelief. then pain.

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