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unravelling, permanent stitches of time

reversing, unstoppable evolution of fate;


nothing, but a fool's foolish dream!

an impossible quest,

an incredulous endeavor of the sciences!


or... is it?


enthroned at the midnight couch

with the lamp's ghostly glow

casting shadows at my figure

gently sipping the chocolate milk;


ahhh, the music entrancing...


the evening's mild orchestra

howling its blank, silent melody

in the faraway distance

as the clock eerily plays

its dull symphony;


tik. tok. tik. tok.


lanky hands, beating forward

but every bit of the mortal

is now counting backwards;


maneuvered, by the cogs and gears

of spontaneous reminiscing

fueled by high doses of nostalgia

and sparkling with natural bursts

of chuckles and grins;


tweaking, unlocking, unfolding

chunk. by chunk.

the core machinery

the secret formula

the untapped mechanization:


my, them crystal memories.


unbearably still

my aging ears do hear it again


raw tunes of pure merriment

from a choir of jovial voices

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