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she came to me

one chilly evening of July

when the menacing infernos

of my wrath had been

blazing its tempest

once more


until the gentle flow

of her soft kisses

and blanketing touch

of her warm cuddles

had watered all of hell down

to nothing but fading ashes

and transient mist;


it's when the harsh winds

of turbulent torment had

been gnashing my

peaceful being

again -- screaming of pain

of agony

of whys and hows that will never

be answered


yet all have been powerfully hushed

by her melodious voice

singing of love and care

into a calm moonlight

breeze, whispering her name;


darkness. darkness has flooded

every corner of my hope

but by the glimmer

of her angelic aura

and flash of her stardust eyes -- 

I know I am safe.


she, she had been here.

she has always been there

but tonight,

tonight is just different.


for as she came to me

this chilly evening on July

the coat of familiarity

had been absolutely void of presence

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