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"What!? He knew about us going here?!"

"But isn't it ok because we are getting married?"

"Oh please don't cry Lali"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Get her ice cream!"

This is my current situation, kinda doing an act so I can carry on my surprise and my mood is helping now.

You see this was my plan I got a little help from Chae and she was smart enough to tell our unnie's so we don't have a problem


"Chae, I need you to go somewhere that no one is around like no Bangtan member" I immediately told her

I heard footsteps then she spoke "This better be good"

"Oh this is fantastic, Papa YG allowed me to date Jungkook and-"

"OMG!" she squealed "As I was saying I will surprise him on his birthday and yeah you can help me tell our unnie's now"

"Ok, ok copy that"

"Jusr ride along with my acting later"

"Fighting!" She said and I can sense she held up her fists


"Wait can someone enlighten me" Hoseok oppa said "Its so complicated so yeah I guess Jin oppa is allowed but not you guys I am deeply sorry" I said in between my sobs

"I guess we have to go before we get our asses hit by YG himself" Yoongi oppa said they all stood up Jungkook was just silent the whole time

When Bangtan left my unnie's looked at me like 'you have some explaining to do' look

"Ok so Papa YG called he said manager unnie said to him that I wasn't eating and I lack to he will let me date Jungkook but it won't be announced yet your wedding is our first priority" I explained

"Wait when is the wedding though?" Chae asked and looked at unnie

"Next week it won't be too grand because it will be just Bangtan and us with our family" Jisoo unnie explained

"But you will need a grand one someday though, I mean its every girls dream to have a grand one" Jennie unnie butted in "Yeah we will get to that, once we announced it" unnie answered

"So what's the plan again?" Jennie unnie asked

"Ok so since his birthday is two weeks from now, all I have in mind is renting a whole mall then at a theater I will sing him a song. Is it too simple I mean I could use some idea's"

"What if we hold a fan sign at a mall then we can surprise him there" Chae asked I mean she is really reading alot of books so she sure knows what to do

"Ok so that's our plan first we will go with the details within the next few days" Jisoo unnie said

5 days before the wedding

Today we will be looking for wedding rings, we came early because our schedule isn't that packed and we just came from Inkigayo.

The boys are quite busy from recordings, and finalization of there concert songs, yup they will have another tour and this one will be longer

Us too we will have maybe after the surprise part, for Kook Papa YG already knows our plan and I am not revealing it to you guys ;)

"Lisa what do you think of this?" Jisoo unnie showed me a ring I was about to speak but she cut me off

"Never mind you have a weird fashion sense" she walked away from

Was that a compliment or a tease?

"Heyyy yoww!" We heard a loud voice it was Hobi oppa "Oppa you're too loud!" I smacked his head and he laughed

"How is it going Soo, do you like anything so far" Jin oppa came to Jisoo unnie and wrapped his arm around her waist "Look at this we can put our names on it Jinnie"

"They look so cute I hope I can find someone like oppa one day" I said to myself "Yah! Lali why are you crying?" Hobi oppa wiped off my tear and everyone was looking at me

"Sorry guys Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa just looked so cute it touched my heart. How you guys are so sweet" I wiped the tears that keeps on coming down on my face "Awwwww Lis, you will find someone soon" Jen unnie said and she winked at me

"I'll just find ice cream guys, nothing can beat ice cream with a sad person" I walked out from the store and started walking I found a nearby store

As I went in there were no customers only the ahjumma that is the cashier I picked a strawberry ice cream and gave it to the ahjumma "How much ahjumma?" I asked

"Oh!? Your voice sounds familiar" she said
"Aren't you the girl who goes to SOPA the Thai girl?!"

"Omo! Ahjumma the one I bought fish sticks!?" I asked

"Yes! Yes! Thats me!" She exclaimed

"You're really famous now what's your name again" she thinked so hard "Right! Lisa!"

"My grand daughter is getting married and she is also you member"

"Jisoo unnie?" I asked and she nodded "But I don't think she remembers me though"

"Come with me ahjumma I am with her and his future husband!" I grabbed her hand and we talked while I was eating my ice cream

"Oh where here ahjumma let's get in!" I said I pushed the glass door to enter the jewelry shop and ahjumma went to Jisoo unnie and hugged her

"Jisoo!? Jisoo! My granddaughter I missed you!"

Unnie turned around and she looked equally surprised as well "Grandma Elly?!" She asked "OMG! I miss you!" They were both crying and everyone looked at me

"Ummm, I kinda met her before on my first day she selled fish sticks near SOPA and I met her again while buying this" I waved them my ice cream and there mouth's formed and 'o'

"Thank you so much Lisa dear" she kissed my cheeks and I smiled at her "Hello grandma I am Kim Seokjin her future husband" oppa bowed 90 degrees

"You look handsome dear please take care of my granddaughter" she hugged Jin oppa and her eyes landed on Jungkook

"Jungkook?" She asked wait they know each other "Oh! Ahjumma!" He said

"You said you will visit again you little brat!" Ahjumma smacked his head but he dodged it "Ahjumma sorry I was busy" he scratched his nape

"So you also know ahjumma Kookie?" Hobi oppa asked and he nodded "So that's where you met Lisa?" Joon oppa said

"Ani I met her at the bus station she asked for directions and we rode the bus" he said

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