Big Surprise

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They were halfway through month six. Nico was most definitely getting bigger and stronger as the days went on. He was sitting up on his own which had been a bit early, but that's to be expected. No two babies are the same. Because of Nico's early habits, Logan had taught him a trick that he was very eager to show Virgil.

Which is why Logan was anxiously waiting in the living room with Nico in his lap for Virgil to return from being dragged to something with Roman. Neither of them knew what the hell Roman was dragging him to, but it was either Virgil or Logan, and Virgil oh-so-kindly volunteered his services (Logan bribed him). This gave Logan plenty of time to get lil baby Nico prepared for the surprise.

Logan grinned while tickling Nico's chin, the six and a half month old giggling uncontrollably while kicking his sock clad feet. There was just something about Nico's giggles, squeals, and smiles that always filled Logan with such joy it hurt. But then again, he would've said the same thing about Virgil when they started dating and got married. His family just brought such joy and life to him it was indescribable.

The door opening snapped Logan's attention back to his surprise, a devious grin spreading across his face as he heard Virgil walking to them.

"Hey Lo! Turns out it was a musical Roman wanted to see and he ended up nearly getting kicked out several times for singing the songs too loudly," said Virgil as he entered.

"Interesting. Did you have a pleasant time?" Logan stood up from the couch with his son in his arms.

"Yeah it was fine. The play was Beetlejuice and was pretty good," answered Virgil.

"Good to hear. Now Nico wants to show you something," Logan knelt down and set the baby on the ground, flat on his stomach.

"Go see daddy," Logan said, Nico's eyes lighting up and crawling over to Virgil.

Virgil gasped and knelt down too, holding his arms out for Nico as the baby happily crawled into him. The second he was close Virgil scooped his son up and hugged him to his chest, happy tears rolling down his cheeks.

"He can crawl now?! Since when?! Did you do this?" Virgil demanded through his tears, Logan laughing before walking over and wiping them away.

"I did help him exercise his muscles so he could surprise you. I take it you were surprised," said Logan.

"Very," Virgil pressed a kiss to Nico's head, the baby giggling softly and smiling at his dads. "He's getting so big. Soon he'll be walking then talking then going to school. I feel like time's just flying by."

"We still have plenty of time Virgil. And soon, if you want to, we can have another one," said Logan, pulling his husband and son into a hug.

"Not until Nico's two! That was our agreement!" exclaimed Virgil, his eyes widening and a look of (what could only be described as) war-like flashbacks clouding them for a second.

"Of course love. Whenever you're ready. For now, let's just be happy with Nico," Logan smiled, pecking his son's forehead then pressing a kiss onto Virgil's cheek.


So fluuuffffyyyyy

And a bit of foreshadowing

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