They're Going Home

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Roosi was able to go home with her dads two days later, much to Virgil's annoyance since he and Loki had to wait two days after that to be released. However the day arrived when Virgil and Loki were finally allowed out of the hospital, Logan and Nico coming to meet them where the doctor gave Virgil the list of do's and don't's.

"Alright Mr. Sanders, you and your son are clear to go, but before you do I have a few things to say. First, you can't pull, pull, or lift anything over fifteen pounds for the next month. Second, make sure you get plenty of rest and do not overwork yourself. If you need a break or time away tell your husband so he can help you," said the doctor then looked over to Logan, "Other Mr. Sanders I suggest working from home or taking time off to help your husband with the new baby. Lastly, I suggest wearing loose clothing, like dresses if you're comfortable with that, as to not rub on or near the surgery area."

"Little Sanders, make sure your dad is taking care of himself, and look out for your new little brother," the doctor added, winking at Nico who nodded like it was a great mission given on,y to him.

"Alright, will that be all?" Logan asked.

"Yes sir. We will be seeing you back here in a month for the follow up check up and to remove stitches, but other than that you four are clear to go. Good luck with that little one, the nurses tell me he's got some lungs on him," smiled to doctor, opening the door for the family, gifting Nico with a puppy sticker and a lollipop on his way out.

"Thank you doctor," Virgil said as they walked out of the office and to the car, Logan buckling Nico up in his booster seat while Virgil got baby Loki situated in his baby seat.

They then got in the car, Logan driving them all home as everyone was glad to be returning together. The conversations in the car were short and lighthearted, bouncing around from the topic of Loki joining the household, to Nico needing to start thinking about kindergarten since he'd be going to preschool that fall then kindergarten the year after. Soon the conversation shifted to what the doctor said, Nico realizing something absolutely outrageous.

"Daddy you won' be able to hold me! I been waitin til wittle sibwing be born to have you be able to cawwy me again yet you still can't!" the three year old pouted, Logan nearly bursting out laughing, but catching himself and only chuckling.

"I'm sorry Nico, honey, but you only need to wait one more month then I'll be able to carry you again," Virgil cooed, a semi sympathetic expression on his face. "But in the mean time I'm sure dada will be okay carrying you, for now, at least."

"But you gonna be able to cawwy widdle Woki," Nico continued to pout, crossing his arms over his chest and sinking into his seat.

"Well I'm sorry, but Loki is a bit lighter than you, being a baby and only sevenish pounds while you're getting to be a big boy," said Virgil.

"I don't wanna be a big boy! I wanna stay with ma daddies for ever 'n ever 'n never ever leave dem!" declared Nico.

"Alright, we're not going to make you grow up faster than you are Nico, you can stay with us as long as you want," Logan said, pulling into their driveway.

"How much did Woki weigh when born?" Nico asked, his tantrum that wasn't really a tantrum over in the blink of an eye as Logan helped him out of the backseat.

"Loki was six pounds and four ounces when he was born. You were five pounds and five ounces. You were a very small baby," answered Logan.

"Let's get inside, Nico don't you want to show Loki around the house? And introduce him to Everglade?" Virgil said, holding Loki in his arms, the baby peering out curiously from the blanket he was wrapped in.

"Yah! Com'on daddy! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Nico grabbed one of Logan's hands and one of Virgil's hands, pulling them both to the garage door where they heard Everglade's barks.

Pretty damn fluffy chapter.

If y'all want to request things for lil baby Loki, baby Roosi, and precious cinnamon roll Nico to do feel free

Before y'all ask, yes, I do have a chapter planned for Alex and Nico to interact,
as stated before Alex is going to be having a little sister soon so it's prime time for the two older brothers to see each other.

But anything else is free game, just keep it in the first year of Loki's life for now

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