The orphanage

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Errors POV
The new kid is in my first period class but I didn't get a chance to talk to them they Kind a looked familiar but I don't know

Third person POV
Ink Had an hour before they had to get to work and they had to stop at inks house so he can change onto his work clothes ink gladly invited them in after ink was ready to head to work Dream and blueberry drove ink to his job ink worked at an orphanage on the way there ink talking about the children Dream and blue asking if they could chill with the kids and play with them ink had to ask your manager if it was OK " she said it was OK go out back and I'll bring them out" " OK" blueberry said excitedly ink brought the five children they had at the orphanage it was a really small orphanage they usually had 20 kids but they were adopted there is three girls and two boys to the girls and both the boys ran over to dream and blueberry they were excited they had someone to play with the other girl tried to avoid people she wasn't in a good home before she came here ink decided to walk up to her "hey little one what's your name you look new" ink set an a sweet Voice "m-my name is m-m-may"
"Nice to meet you may my name is ink why don't you go play with the are the kids?" " They'll Think I'm weird" may says and starts to tear up " no they won't" "are you sure?" "Yes" May starts to walk up to the other kids "can I p-play with you" "yay an new friend" blueberry says
3 hours later
Ink was done with there work shift so they said bye to the kid before leaving "hey ink" "yes blueberry" can we have an sleep over at your house please" "sure" "yay!!!" Blueberry yells they pull up to inks house and gets out of the car and heads in Side thank realizes they left open one of there photo albums Dream and blueberry saw the picture it was open to it was a picture of  ink and his mom right after she adopted him ink started to tear up looking at that picture ink forgot Dream and blueberry were there ink grabs one of his lockets
It opens it to see the same image ink fell to his knees as tears roll down his face " ink are you ok!?!?" Dream says worry Tone "I-I'm find that picture just means a lot to me" " would you like to talk about it?" " that picture is of me and my mom right after she adopted me I could never forget that day" dream and blueberry looked at ink shocked  "I-I'll be right back and change out of my work clothes" instead of the head up the stairs  ink changed into a pair sweatpants and an oversized hoodie and went back downstairs " hey ink do you have any spare clothes me and blueberry could wear" "yeah come with me" after they were all in comfortable clothes downstairs to watch a movie

Inks POV
It's all good to finally have friends I could share things i enjoyed " hey guys I'm gonna go get dinner started any suggestions?" Blueberries Eyes Lit up "can we have tacos" "yeah I have the ingredients for tacos would you like to help blue" "can I help as well" "yeah" "let's make tacos!!!!!!!" "Blueberry do not blow up inks kitchen" wait what does dream mean

1 hour later
Still inks POV
"Well we burned The tacos" "how do you burn tacos" " i'm just gonna order a pizza" "ok" " well we wait May I ask where you got you're lockets" " oh I got one for my mom and one from my childhood friend" " I thought I saw that locket before" " all right" " do you remember your childhood  friend name " No" " guys pizzas here" " ok" after that me dream and blueberry sat down to eat and watch a movie I noticed everyone was tired " hey guys why don't we make a fort" blueberry jumped up and screamed "yay" so I ran upstairs grab some blankets thumbtacks and pillows and came back downstairs and we built a fort " guys I think we should go to sleep" "yeah" blueberry and dream agree

The next morning
Still inks POV
Dream and blueberry were still asleep so I decided to take a shower before I went upstairs I wrote a note and put it on the table just to let them know

Dreams POV
I woke up and realized ink wasn't there I leave the blanket fort we made to look for him I noticed there's a note on the table
The Note
Hey guys I needed to take a quick shower talk to  you guys soon

Still dreams POV
How should I wake blueberry up today
I'm a go grab some pans " wake up blueberry !!!!!!!!!" I scream while hitting the pans together " i'm up I'm up" I think I made blueberry mad "what was that loud noise" " that's how dream woke me up" Blueberry said well giving me the death stare "sorry" " don't worry about it just startled me a little" I forgot ink doesn't like loud noises " ink I have a question what time is it" " it's 5:46 I think you guys should start getting ready for school" " we're going to be late"

After getting ready
inks POV
"guys it's 5:58 we need to hurry up" we are going to be late if they don't hurry up " let's go" dream screams well practically dragging blueberry down the stairs

when they arrive at school(sorry for all the skips)
inks POV
We made it just on time it's 620 right now so we had enough time to grab our stuff and get to class I walk into class and sit in my seat I pull out my sketchbook since we have five minutes until class starts well everyone else was talking to each other since I didn't know anyone in this class I had no one to talk to to " class class settle down" I said because I gently slide my sketchbook back into my bag " today you guys will be doing a group project"
WHAT!?!?!? I don't know anyone here and secondly this is my second day " I have already picked your guys partners" this class is going to be the death of me The teacher started reading off the groups they had picked out I didn't pay attention to the names until I heard mine "ink your partner is error"  still not knowing who error is because I only talk to blueberry dream yesterday this is gonna be a long day for me " oh I almost forgot to tell you what you guys are doing you guys will be doing a sketch of something you like and write why you like it" I guess this project can't be too hard " I paired with people you haven't talk to before in my class but after you do your sketch you're gonna show your partner what you have made and discuss why it's important to you" this is not gonna be as easy as I thought I'm really not that social person "ding" The bell scared me again as everyone gets together with their partners to talk about what they're going to do I see there's one student that's with someone so I guess that's  error "h-hey are you e-e-error" "yeah so where do you want to meet to do the project"  "w-e can g-go to my House or-" before I can finish my sentence air cuts me off " OK I guess we're going to your house" "o-ok" " can I have your address and number"
"Y-yeah" I grab a sticky note out of my bag and write my phone number and my address " here you go" " thanks I'll text you when I'm on my way over it might be around five" " all right see you later"

Sorry about bad grammar i'm writing this at three in the morning so I hope you enjoy your part two
Word count 1393

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