a new friend

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Plz enjoy the music well you read after writing the story for a little bit I stopped changing the fonts on the text I'm sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes)

3rd person POV
After they arrived to inks house error got out of the car to help ink after they said their goodbyes ink and error went inside the blanket fort was still up from the night before

Oh my god this is embarrassing I forgot to take it down this morning "sorry about the mess me dream and blueberry have a sleepover" " don't worry about it I've seen worse" I still can smell the burnt tacos from the night before " should we start working on the project" " yeah I think so" " I have materials upstairs that we can use" we started to head up the stairs it not easy to walk up the stairs with a broken leg "hey ink do you need help" "yeah I would appreciate that" error started to help me up the stairs once we reach the the top of the stairs I showed error to my room

Error POV
Ink has a beautiful house ink showed me where his room was the walls were a light gray color he had a hardwood floor he has lights strung around his room in the corner of his room there's a black desk and next to that back that's there is a shelf the Shelf was filled with art supplies he had old photographs hung up on his wall including some sketches he was amazing at art his room was a little messy mostly by the desk there is pencil shavings on the floor some of his sketches for spread around to "sorry about the mess" " oh it's not too bad" I realized and started looking around is he looking for something well obviously he is but he looks scared for a minute but then he stopped walking around " oh my God I'm such an idiot" I'm starting to wonder what he's looking for " were you looking for something" " yeah but I remember I left them in the bathroom this morning" " what were you looking for" " I have to lockits and they mean a lot to me" I didn't realize he had a lockets on him yesterday "Earth to error hello?!?!?" He said while waving his hands in front of my face guess I spaced out " sorry I spaced out a lot" " don't worry about it" " we should get started on our project" "yeah"

Third person POV

Ink and error sat on the edge of ink bed and start to sketch ink was sketching one of his locket it was a homemade locket his old best friend gave to him before he had to move error was having trouble he seemed to be sketching the podium at the park they seem to lose track of time and before they knew it it was 8:30 "oh great we lost track of time" error said as he checked his phone to see it was 8:30 " I think I should start walking home" " error it's pitch black outside it would be too dangerous to walk" " and how am I supposed to get home?" " error you can stay the night I have a spare bedroom" " okay just let me call my brother to let him know I'm okay and I'm staying the night here" " okay I'll go make us some food to eat" ink said and started to head down downstairs ink slowly made his way downstairs he start to open his kitchen cupboards to see what he could make for dinner ink decided to make some ramen noodles for him and error soon enough error started to head downstairs his brother was happy to know he was okay and he was fine with him staying at his friends house " my brother says it's okay if I stay here" error said to Ink ink didn't notice errors presents until he said that " holy crap!?!" Ink said scared half to death ink spilled some of the boiling water on his hand "oww!" " sorry ink are you okay" "yeah just burned myself it's nothing I'm not used to" ink finished making the ramen noodles him and error sit down on the couch to eat their dinner ink turn down the TV and puts on a movie ( insert movie title name)
It's a horror movie ink hasn't watched yet ink was excited to watch the movie error was as well he's seen the movie before and it was one of his favorites halfway in to the movie ink was already out cold

Errors pov

Guess the shorty was tired I guess I should take him to their bed I tried to pick up ink without waking them up they're still asleep so I start heading upstairs with them in my arms he was really small for his age I placed him in his bed realizing he had no blankets up here I guess I'll have to go get some from his fort I grabbed a few blankets and started to head back upstairs I quietly step into his room still trying not to wake him he was shivering I carefully put a blanket over him a few minutes later he stopped shivering I decided to go find the guest bedroom as I was heading out of his room I heard him say something "p-please don't go" was he sleep talking just in case he was awake I walked back over to his bed but he was still asleep so I guess he was sleep talking as I decide to head out of his room again but I feel a tug on my coat "please" "ink are you awake?" "Don't leave me alone" I looked over to see inks eyes slightly open so he was awake "you want me to stay with you?" "Y-yes please..." I kind of feel bad should I stay " okay I'll stay with you" he's moved over a little bit to let me in his bed I lift up the blanket and sit next to him he seemed to be happy "t-thanks" he slowly scoots towards me and give me a hug I was surprised for a few seconds but then I decided to hug back after hugging for a little bit he fell asleep in my arms still holding him I lay down and fall asleep myself.

Lost and found (ink x error)Where stories live. Discover now