Chapter 2

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When Merlin awoke in the morning he had a pounding headache and the light shining in from the window was blinding him. The first thing he noticed about the room was that it was not his. Then he noticed the bed was much comfier than his. He realized he could probably stay in this bed all day and never wake up.

Merlin opened one eye, then the other. He sat up in shock only increasing his headache. Merlin was in Arthur's room. He was in Arthur's bed, no wonder it was so comfy. He looked around and there was no sign of Arthur anywhere. Merlin was thrown into an instant spiral of thoughts. The main one being 'Why would he let me sleep after he had woken up?'

His thoughts were soon interrupted by a very sweaty Arthur, who had just gotten back from training. "Oh good, Merlin. You're awake. That means you can finally do your job" Arthur states.

Merlin rolled his eyes. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

This question surprised Arthur even though he knew he should've expected it. "I- Uh... Shut up" He stuttered. Surprising to both the young men, Arthur blushed. Merlin rolled his eyes for the second time that morning and got up. Realizing he was still dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, he laughed.

"I'll do my job after I get dressed."

Before Merlin could get all the way out of the room Arthur shouted for him. "Merlin, If you come stumbling into my room drunk one more time, I will have your head."

"Sure you will" Merlin winked before leaving the room.

When Merlin was on his way back to Arthurs chambers, said king's lunch in hand, he bumped into Gwen. "Late again?" She laughs.

"Definitely" Merlin replied.

"Better get going, I don't know how you still have your job" She says, mumbling the last bit.

Merlin smiled and ran off, taking in the aroma of the buzzing castle around him. If anyone had told Merlin he'd be working for the king when he was just a boy in Ealdor, he would've laughed in their face. He never thought he'd end up here, but being a sorcerer does have its perks. Perks like a bed and a room and castle leftovers. He smiled as the thought of roasted chicken and carrots passed through his mind.

As he reached the doors to Arthurs room, he stole a strawberry off his plate, swallowing it just as he stepped into the room. "Lunch?" Merlin says as he sets the plate on the king's table.

"Sit, Merlin."

"Why?" He asks sceptically.

"Just sit." Merlin does as he says and takes a seat in the chair to the left of Arthur. "Here." He says rolling an apple to Merlin.

"Why are you in such a bad mood all of a sudden?"

"Morgana sent a letter," Arthur says, worried.

"Did you read it?"

"Of course I read it Merlin, I'm not an idiot." Merlin scoffs sarcastically. "She wants us to meet her."


"Would it kill you to shut up for 20 seconds? Us. You and me. Yes, before you ask, just us. Why? I don't know."

"Arthur you can't go."

"We have to."

"No you don't."

"Merlin, we're going."

Merlin gets up from his seat. "No we do not. That is literally the easiest way for her to kill you. Are you insane? I knew you were an idiot, but you can't be serious?"

"We leave at dusk. Don't tell anyone."

"Arthur this is stupid we-"

"Tell me you won't tell anyone."

Merlin pushes his anger aside for the moment and sighs, "I won't tell anyone."

Arthur stands up beside Merlin and gives him a worried look. "Pack the bags," He says. "We'll be gone for a few days." With that Merlin leaves, confused and worried.

When Merlin gets to his chambers he goes to Gaius. "Arthur and I are leaving at dusk, if anyone asks, we're out hunting."

Gaius turns around confused. "Where on earth are you going?" He asks.

"I don't know," Merlin laughs nervously.

"How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know."

"Then what do you know Merlin?"

"It's something to do with Morgana." With that Merlin walks up the steps to his room and starts packing his stuff for the next few days. He starts to think what Morgana would possibly want with the both of them. He knows she wants Arthur dead, but what would she need of him? Merlin always knew to expect the unexpected, but this time he didn't even understand the unexpected of this scenario.

After he packed his stuff he ran back to Arthur's to bombard him with questions about what was to come. He had nothing to expect and that terrified him. Normally he at least had some form of idea of what was happening, but this was a mystery to him. 

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