Chapter 6 (Short again, sorry)

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When they reach the hut Morgana is standing outside, waiting for them. "Seem familiar Merlin?" She asked coldly.

"All too well," Merlin replies. Arthur wonders what Morgana did to his manservant and stares at his sister in disgust. "What do you want, Morgana?" Merlin asked.

"I want what is mine!" She says.

"The throne is not yours!" Arthur shouts back.

"Arthur, shut up" Merlin interrupts. Arthur takes the hint and takes a step back. Merlin continues, "You're wrong Morgana. You just want to be yourself. You're doing what you think is right for the people like you, but you're not."

"Oh what would you know Merlin?" Morgana says more than asks. "You have no idea what I've been through."

"But, I do. The druids told you about me. You just didn't listen close enough."

"No" She gasped. "Emrys? You can't be? He's old, but the eyes. No. It is you isn't it? I should've known." She raised her hand in defense, but before she could do anything Merlin sent her flying back with a flick of his hand.

"I don't have to be your downfall, Morgana" He almost pleaded.

"You're right," She laughed, getting back up. "I could be yours-"

Arthur jumped in the way, sword in hand. "Morgana, don't." But with a swipe of Morgana's hand he was out of the way, fallen unconscious by a tree.

She gave a wicked laugh and continued where she left off, "I always thought you were some dumb serving boy Arthur only kept around out of pity. I see it now though. He always knew about you and your magic didn't he? And he let all those people get hurt while only keeping you secret."

"He didn't know Morgana. He only found out yesterday."

"Then why? Why did he let you stay? The relationship between you two must be incredible for him to put aside his hatred of magic for you."

"He isn't Uther, Morgana. He doesn't have the same hatred of magic."

"Why should I trust you? You're the one who is destined to kill me," The high priestess says raising her hand in defense, but not striking.

"But I don't have to. Destiny can change." Morgana gives Merlin an evil look, but he ignores the stare trying to think of something to say that will change her mind. He pauses for a moment, finally thinking of something. "Think about all your nightmares where the future is told. How many of those ended in Arthur's death?"

Morgana blinked in either surprise or fear, Merlin couldn't tell. "So many," She whispered and dropped her hand slowly, as if she was deep in thought.

"Exactly, but there he is. Alive. The future can change."

She took a step back. "Why? Why are you telling me this? You poisoned me!"

Merlin took a deep breath, "I didn't want to. You have to believe me. You were the source of the sickness. I had no choice." He paused then continued, "Come back to Camelot. I'm sure we could convince Arthur to change the law."

Morgana gave a small, sad, chuckle, "I'm sure you could. I don't know what he'd think of me."

"Morgana, believe me when I say, you were my friend and I'd love it if you came back and I'm sure Arthur would too."

She looked down and responded, "I'd have to think. I doubt the people would trust me. Though, if you could convince Arthur to change the law, I will come back, in peace. You have my word, Merlin."

Merlin gave a goofy smile and hugged Morgana. "I will. I promise," He reassured his old friend.

When Morgana received the hug she smiled her first genuine, happy, smile in years, then turned to her hut. "Get going Merlin. You have work to do," She smiled before entering the small door to her sad living arrangement.

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