Chapter 8 (Super short sorry)

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Merlin reached up to the man in front of him and slowly leaned forward until he could feel Arthur's breath on his lips. Then quickly he turned away and looked to the fire. "It seems the fire is running a bit low," He started as Arthur gave him an evil glare. "I think I'll go grab some more firewood."

As soon as Merlin turned to walk away Arthur grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a very forceful kiss full of love and lust. Merlin was not surprised at the young king's action and immediately wrapped one of his arms around Arthur's waist and put one hand in his hair. The warlock pulled Arthur closer, hungrily and the king happily complied.

Arthur, yearning for dominance, bit Merlin's bottom lip asking for entrance. Merlin gladly allowed Arthur's tongue graze around the inside of his mouth. Both the men knew this would be a moment they'd remember forever.

Eventually the kiss became less rough; more slow and romantic. It was full of more love than lust. Arthur pulled Merlin into his lap and let the kiss continue until they needed to pull away for air. Resting his forehead against Arthur's Merlin whispered, "That was..."

"Amazing" Arthur finished for him. They sat there for a few moments deep in thought. Merlin smiled and let his head rest on the king's shoulder, then pressed a small kiss to his neck. Arthur smiled and ran his fingers through Merlin's hair, letting his thoughts wander. He thought of how life would be back in Camelot now that things like this were happening. Soon he thought about Gwen and how she would react. He quickly pulled away, standing up. "Shit shit shit shit. Merlin" He said in a whisper yell, rubbing his eyes stressfully.

"What?" Merlin asked, suddenly concerned. He looked at Arthur, his eyes still full of love, now with a touch of worry.

"Gwen? The people? What would they think? This can't happen" The man rushed, scared for what his future would hold.

Merlin stood up as well and took the shorter of the two into his arms. "The people don't have to know. As for Gwen, I think you should tell her. I have a strong feeling she'd understand. Also I'm pretty sure she also has that thing with Lancelot going on."

"I guess you're right," Arthur said, looking up at Merlin.

Merlin's stomach loudly growled, causing the two to laugh. "Dinner?" He asked.



After they ate Merlin gave an audible yawn. "I think I'm going to go to sleep," He said.

"Lazy dollophead."

"That's my word! Also I'm not lazy I am physically drained. Try not to stay up too late, your royal pratness, we wouldn't want you to be late to changing those laws."

Once Merlin had laid down and clearly gotten comfortable, Arthur whispered, a small, barely audible, "Goodnight, Merlin."

To Arthur's surprise, Merlin answered. "Goodnight, Arthur."

Arthur had trouble falling asleep that night, too happy about the earlier events. Though, when he did fall asleep, his sleep was full of happy dreams about the days to come. He was happy that Merlin wouldn't have to completely hide anymore. He was happy his sister was coming back, peacefully. He was happy he had kissed Merlin. He also secretly thought of allowing same-sex couples and maybe even marriage to Camelot, just to add to his own happiness.

To say the least, Arthur was finally happy to be himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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