Chapter 3

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As soon as they got on the horses Merlin started the questions. "Where are we meeting her? Why are we meeting her? You know she's going to kill you right? This is definitely a trap. You're walking us into a trap."

"Shut up, Merlin." Arthur slumps his shoulders and sighs. He knows he's most likely going to die, but it's only to save Merlin. He can't tell Merlin because he knows the second he does Merlin would trade him places so quick and not let Arthur argue. He knew the only way to keep Merlin safe was to not tell him anything.

"Alright," Merlin starts "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's keep going until we reach a clearing."

"Arthur," Merlin says sternly. "What's wrong? Seriously, you're acting all shifty and scared." He waits a second before continuing. "You know you're going to die don't you? God Arthur. What's so important to you that you'd let Morgana take over the whole of Camelot?"

Arthur stops his horse and just stares for a second. "You Merlin! God! It's always you! I'd do anything for your dumb idiotic face. You still haven't got it either. You mean more to me than anything. I've broken so many rules for your stupid, stupid... I don't even know." A few moments of silence pass before he speaks up again. "There's a clearing up ahead. Let's go."

"Arthur," Merlin almost whispers.

"Come on Merlin."


Once they head to bed, Merlin just stares at Arthur's back. He wonders why Arthur would ever sacrifice himself for him. Why Arthur decided to go on a mission he knew would end in his death and tell no one. Not even Gwen. "Arthur?" He asks, praying the young king was awake.

"What Merlin?" He asked, sounding as if he'd been silently crying.

"You didn't even say goodbye to Gwen."

"She never would've let me go."

"Yeah and for good reason. It's a suicide mission Arthur."

"I'm aware."

"You have too much pride."

"It's not pride Merlin. I'm not doing this for myself. I'm not doing this to be a hero."

Merlin sits up, filled with anger and sadness. "Then what are you doing it for?"

"I already told you."

"Arthur I cannot be the only reason you're doing this. It's stupid. I'm your servant. You're the king of Camelot. My life is meaningless compared to yours."

"Don't say that Merlin."

"Don't say what? The truth? You know I'm right. There's no point in going."

"You're not just my servant Merlin, you're my friend. I can't just let you die."

"Yeah, well I can't watch you go on a literal suicide mission. It's stupid and I refuse to let it happen."

Now, Arthur sits up and faces Merlin. Still separated by the fire. "We have no choice. We will not turn back now."

"We do have a choice, you are just being stupid and making the wrong one."

"Merlin, let me do this. I will not sit back and let you die knowing I could've done something."

"How do you think I feel? I'm sitting here watching my, basically, best friend try and talk me out of letting him survive. I can't let you kill yourself. I have told you almost everything there is to know about me and I know a hell of a lot about you. So you know that I won't let this happen and I know you're too stubborn to let me win, but I will win. We will make it out of there alive. So I swear, if you try and let yourself die for me you will never hear the end of it Arthur Pendragon. Is that clear? No dying."

"We'll see." With that Arthur lays back down and goes to sleep. Merlin stares at the sky trying his hardest not to cry. If Arthur dies, not only will he have failed his destiny, he wouldn't be able to live with himself knowing he could have prevented it. He lets out a sad laugh before laying down and allowing himself to sleep.

Arthur would not die. Camelot would not fall.

This one's a bit shorter, sorry mis patitos. Buenas noches.

They Way It Should Be (Merthur)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora