Chapter 4

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Unusual for him, Arthur is the first to wake up in the morning. He packs up his things then wakes Merlin. "Come on, Merlin. We have another full day of riding." Merlin doesn't respond, he just gets up and starts to gather his things. "Merlin, you know we have to do this."

"We don't have to do anything, Arthur. This is a stupid choice that you made."

"Don't get angry Merlin. There's no point. We're going" Arthur says, finishing the conversation. Merlin says nothing and gets on his horse, sighing. They ride off in silence.

A few hours into the ride Arthur speaks up. "Merlin?" He asks.


"If I do die-"

"No" Merlin interrupted.

"No, Merlin, listen."

"Nothing is going to happen so you're not going to die."*

"Just make sure Camelot stays safe."

"And Gwen?" Merlin asks.

Arthur laughs, sadly. "I know she'll be fine. She's a strong woman."

"She is. Good thing we'll make it out of here alive."

"You have a lot of faith, Merlin."

"Whatever happens... I'm still the same person." Merlin says.

Arthur turns his head to look at Merlin, "Merlin, you're a bit weird."

"At least I'm not a dollop head" Merlin laughs. Arthur laughed along with Merlin, a bit out of nervousness but also because it gave him relief from the situation. After this they returned to an almost comfortable silence. Merlin, scared Arthur was going to find out about his magic. Arthur, scared Merlin was going to die.

Once it became dark Arthur turned to Merlin and stated, "If we stop riding now, we'll make it to the meet up place by midday tomorrow."

"Where exactly is the meet up place?"

"Some hut in the middle of the woods. Doesn't seem too bad."

Merlin's curiosity peaked at the word 'hut'. He wondered if it could be the same hut she had brought him to before. He decided he should probably mention this to Arthur.

After they set up camp and started eating Merlin spoke up. "Arthur, I think I've been to this 'hut' you're talking about before."

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked.

"Morgana, sort of, kidnapped me a while ago."

"Why? What'd she do?" Arthur asked worriedly.

"Nothing too bad. Just a bit of torture then she enchanted me to kill you. It didn't go as planned, obviously."

Arthur gave a shocked look. "You said it was nothing too bad. You tried to kill me?"

"You're lucky I'm so bad at killing," Merlin laughed.

"I don't think it's that funny. You could've killed me."

"But I didn't," Merlin took a deep breath before continuing, "There's something else too."

"What now?" Arthur asked annoyed.

Merlin glanced at the ground nervously, "You have to promise you won't kick me out. You can hate me forever, stop me from working for you, even take away all my belongings, but let me stay in Camelot."

Arthur laughed, "Why would I do that Merlin?"

"Just promise."

Arthur raised his eyebrows in confusion, but nodded. He prompted Merlin to continue. Merlin took a few shaky breaths before closing his eyes and saying the three words that could easily get him killed, "I'm a sorcerer." The king was taken aback and looked more sad than angry. "I'm sorry Arthur. I know now probably wasn't the best time, but you had to know before I did something at Morgana."

The blond was silent for a moment, then whispered, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Merlin seemed shocked that was all the man had to say, yet he answered anyway. "You'd've chopped my head off," He laughed sadly.

Arthur looked up, "No" Was all he said.

"Yes. You would've gone to your father and he'd have me killed."

"You should've told me."

"I wanted to. I really did, but you have to understand that telling you would've gotten me killed."

"I wouldn't have killed you."

"Yes, you would've. I know you wouldn't now, but then it was the highest possibility."

"I'm sorry," The king whispered.

"It's fine Arthur."

"Is it? You've had to hide who you are, your whole life."

"Trust me, I'm used to it," Merlin laughed. "But, that's how all people with magic live. It's not just me."

"Jesus. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. You can reverse what your father did. I believe in you Arthur and your fate is one that will change the world forever."

"Can you show me?"

"What?" Merlin asked in surprise.

"What you can do?" Arthur asked, looking up at Merlin for the first time since the conversation started.

"I guess" Merlin shrugged, getting up from where he was sitting and going to Arthur. He whispered a spell into his hands and when he opened them a beautiful blue butterfly came flying out.

Arthur stared at the butterfly in amazement. "How long?"

"What do you mean?"

"How long have you been practicing magic?"

Merlin let out a small laugh. "I was born with it."

"Your eyes turn gold when you use magic."

"I know."

"How powerful are you?"

"Very. More than Morgana," Merlin laughed until he saw the scared look on Arthur's face. "I would never hurt you. You know that right?"

Arthur nodded slowly. "Why are you a servant?"

"It's my destiny to be by your side."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We all have a destiny, yours is to become the king who unites Albion, mine is to help you. Even if you are an ass."

Arthur elbowed Merlin in the side. "Thank you," He said.

"You're welcome."

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