First Time Travels

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Okkk...... I have no idea where this idea came from but I decided to make a triple crossover between Ever After High, Descendants and Monster High. This WILL contain the following ships because I'm crazy: RavenxApple, MalxEvie, KittyxMaddie, CerisexCedar and a couple others that I will expand on later on. Also somethings are going to get messy with Evie and Raven because they both have the Evil Queen as their mother and all that but I WILL sort that out. ANYWAYS!!!!


(Just to spend less time writing boring lore, Monster High and Ever after High can teleport to each others dimensions using the statue/portal in front of their respected school. The main group of Monster High teleport to EAH for the first time)

"Wow, that was a trip and a half. My head is killing me," spoke Frankie as she and her friends started to stand up from their 'portal trip'.

"You said it, I have never had my hair this messy in 5000 years!,"Replied Cleo while two girls by the names of Apple and Raven came over to help the strange ghouls.

As Raven and Apple were opening their mouths to ask questions, four teens suddenly fell from a portal that appeared from the sky.

"Ok?, what is it with random people coming to our world today?"Raven asked as she approached the 4 teens who seemed to be dizzy from the fall.

"That was a rough landing, couldn't you have teleported us somewhere else that could break our fall?" asked the tall boy with a red beanie on his brown/black hair.

"I'll keep that in mind next time we have to go through portal to teleport to another dimension," Replied the girl with purple hair and green eyes which soon turned grey.

Raven soon used her magic to float all the new people in front of her and Apple as other students started to flood out of the school to find what all the commotion is all about."Just who are you...people? and why are you here?" Shouted Raven, clearly annoyed that people had to interrupt her date with Apple.

"I'm Mal and this is Evie, Jay and Carlos," Announced Mal as she helped her friends stand up."We're here to check up on the Evil Queen who is supposed to be the 'Big Bad' of this world"

"We're Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Cleo and Lagoona" Blurted out Frankie as she gestured to her friends and continued "We....accidentally came here without knowing"

Raven and Apple look at each other suspiciously before replying "Well, I suggest we should bring you to our Headmaster Grimm to talk to you."They started walking and soon after, the new kids started to follow them into the school.

(After a talk with Headmaster Grimm, the ghouls and VKs were brought to 'their dorms' that they shared with certain people. Lagoona and Clawdeen are with Cerise and Cedar, Draculaura and Cleo are with Maddie and Kitty. Carlos and Jay are with Daring while Frankie, Evie and Mal stay with Apple and Raven)

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