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SOOOOO I kinda left everyone under the bus with the last chapter so here's a quick explanation about wicked world if you STILL haven't seen the show.

In the show, Mal finds her birth jewel which Maleficent cursed a long time ago. The curse makes Mal do evil things whenever she got the chance including almost letting another VK from Isle destroy Auradon. BUT Evie was able to get Mal out of that situation and they WON OBVIOUSLY. ANYWAYS


"It's a Moment Coma spell. The victim has to be in a unbelievably emotional state to enter one. After their in that mood, they are given back an item that person owns that is spelled and the person is then stick inside their head with the very last thing they said playing over and over again. While that is happening, the person that cast the spell can add ideas to the victim which they will complete." told Hades, reviewing the video while Raven and Evie stared at the floor while their faces were dripping with tears and guilt.

"You knew about this spell and you never thought to tell Fairy Godmother or someone else? And how did you find out about it in the first place?" Commanded Queen White while Hades stopped what he was doing and looked at her dead in the eyes, replying "Because I was the first person Maleficent tested the spell on. I was stuck inside my head for two years with the only thought in my head being one thing. Mal is stronger than me mentally; whatever Maleficent did to her is going to scare Mal even after we break this spell."

"And what would be so important that the god of the Underworld would get emotional about," Queen White yelled not believing a single thing the god was saying. " How would you feel if your wife threatened you by killing your child just so she could test a spell on you; and then forbid you to see your daughter with the promise of killing her if you did?" Hades questioned showing that the tough god cared more for his daughter than he would ever admit.

Everyone looked in awe and guilt at the blue haired god while he told his story; "How did you break the spell?" Raven asked, convinced that her fate would be a similar one. " A kid named Percy destroyed my item while I was forced to rewatch a memory that helped me remember who I was. That's the only way to break the spell that I know of," Hades spoke sounding more hopeful than he would like to admit out loud.

" If we were to break the spell, what would be the item the spell was placed on?" Snow White said finally having a shred of hope with the people in the room.

"Her jewel, it's definitely in her birth jewel. That's the one thing that she never takes off and the one thing Maleficent knows about," Evie acknowledged while the others had confused looks on their faces. " When we were born, there were special jewels that were made for us. But when all the villains were relocated to the Isle, their jewels were collec.." Evie was interrupted by Maddie who was eavesdropping on the conversation " The author said she's getting tired rewriting something that you guys could watch so... you're watch this memory (VIDEO) instead!"  

"Maddie how did you do that?" Evie asked as everyone ended the "events that occurred" "That wasn't me it was the author. She got really tired of writing passed events so she just inserted videos to watch. ALSO, the author wanted you guys to see something else as well!" Maddie yelled running out the door. (These are the times where Maddie is my favorite character)

"Don't tell Mal but you got to admit, Mal is almost as powerful as Raven when she was in Evil Queen mode!" Said Kitty Cheshire as she appeared to ALSO be eavesdropping. "Kitty, go to your girlfriend and both of you stay out of this conversation PLEASE!" Raven managed to say after the 'videos'.

"Also.... I think I might have a plan on how we're going to get Mal and Apple back from our mothers" Raven said with a determined smile that hid her pure fear of the dragon girl and her mother.

Just saying, this is the longest chapter I have written for this story so YAY for me!


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