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Apple woke up to the sound of Evie calling her name and shaking her. The room was cold and made of stone bricks meaning that the two girls were in some type of dungeon.

"Hey, hey Apple! Wake up!" Evie whisper-yelled as Apple started to stand up but got soon realized that she was trapped because of the short metal chains clamped onto her wrists.

"GREAT! I'm stuck as a hostage of a crazy, power-focused maniac woman who happens to be my girlfriend's mother. AGAIN!" Ranted Apple while all of a sudden the thick steel doors of the dungeon opened to reveal the Evil Queen listening onto the girls conversation.

"What a nice surprise my Apple dear, you're dating my daughter," snarled the Evil Queen in pure disgust. "Mother! What do you want with us?" Evie spoke up which broke the tension coming from the two 'family members' and was soon returned with a crackling laughter coming from Regina. "Ah yes. Evie, my little runt. The weakling of the family who couldn't even complete the job that she was created for".

"Your  insults don't anger me Mother, not anymore. What are you talking about the job I was created for?" Evie called out while Apple hid behind her to prepare for the worst. "Before you left the Isle of the Lost, I told you that you will for fill your purpose and what did you do? Fall in love with Maleficent's daughter which is a terrible pairing in our opinion," Regina announced (Can you tell I'm running out of synonyms for said?)  "So while you were failing at your purpose, Raven. Raven on the other hand became the exact thing she was supposed to be. The person with the darkest potential which then is closely taken by Mal. Fortunately for me, Raven has an anchor and a trigger to unlock her full potential" Regina laughed before pointing straight at Apple. "You will still be of use to me after all" The Queen laughed one more crazy laugh before disappearing in a cloud of green smoke.

"Evie, Evie! Are you okay? She said some pretty mean things to you," Apple asked Evie as she was staring at the floor while tears started to form in her eyes. Evie replied with a quick nod before standing up.

"We need to get you out of here since your an important part in turning Raven evil. So, any ideas?" Evie mentioned. "Well since those two are busy doing who knows what, I can get us out of here" Apple announced as her hands suddenly glowed bright red. "Since when do you have magic?"Evie asked in confusion and awe. "Since I started dating a witch. Now, lets get out of here," Apple replied as she teleported Evie back to EAH.

"Sorry Evie, but if Regina's planning something with my girlfriend I'm going to do everything in my power to protect her!"

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