A Family Reunion

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Guess who's trying to post as much as possible before she has to start school again!!!               Also I'm going to add some Once Upon A Time Lore in this story. If you've seen the show then you are probably going to get some of the references including why I reference the Evil Queen as REGINA


The five girls burst through the door of the tower to find Regina and Maleficent facing Hades, King Arthur and the Good King who were on the defensive.

"Mother!"Mal, Raven and Evie say in unison as the evil beings come to face them. "Aww,a family reunion, I'll put the kettle on" Snarled Maleficent. "Please...Don't....Hurt....Them...."the Good King struggled to say as Regina's hands started to glow purple with magic. "Actually I have a better idea" Regina remarked dropping the men while picking up Apple and Evie, "I'll take these two as a Happy Reunion present"Said Regina before Raven and Mal shot beams of magic at the two witches "Please, Mum. Stop this! Let them go!" Yelled out Raven as Maleficent started to laugh "Looks like someone hasn't been practicing their powers. Also I WILL GET MY REVENGE ON THOSE THREE" Regina yelled out and teleported out of the tower with Maleficent, Apple and Evie.

"NO APPLE!!!" Raven cried out as Frankie brought the two girls into a comforting hug and soon,the men joined in leaving the Good King out.

"Let's go warn Headmaster Grimm about Regina and Maleficent. I doubt that those two are finished with us" Announced the Good King

(After explaining the situation to HMG, Queen Snow white came over after being informed)

"We should close down every realm and make sure that everyone is accounted for before we continue to find everyone else" Suggested Hades as he comforted Mal "Absolutely not! And since when do you command us, last time I checked you were still banished to the Isle of the Lost by King Beast and Queen Belle" Yelled Queen White.

"NO, Hades is correct. Knowing Regina and Malef (Short for Maleficent bc I'm tired of typing her full name) They are trying to target us to get back at us. We need to lock down the realms and make sure everyone is safe" Answered King Arthur. "NO! We are not locking down the kingdoms, not until I have my daughter in my arms!" Shouted the Queen

"Snow, I know how you feel. They took my Evie away from me as well but Hades and Arthur are correct. We need to enable lockdown of all the seven realms," Yelled back TGK (The Good King) "Fine, but as soon as those two witches are captured I swear I will....." Hades interrupted Snow "Put them both in a stronger prison where they are supposed to be"

"Girls, You know your mothers the best. Do you know what they are looking for and want they want?"Asked Arthur. Mal sighed for a second before answering "They want a family reunion where Raven and I to for fill our destinies and become evil and their willing to destroy everything we love to get it."

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