A Sacrifice for Two

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If your the readers that came here from my She Ra fanfic I WILL UPDATE SOON. I know that I'm mainly focusing on this fic but honestly I planned this one out and know exactly how its going to end while that fic is a running dog off the leash (You never know where it's going to go). ANYWAYS


As Raven, Mal, Hades, Arthur, Snow White and the Good King were planning their next move against the Evil Queen and Maleficent, Evie suddenly appeared in front of the 6 looking confused and terrified.

"EVIE!" Mal yelled as the blue-haired girl fainted from the sight of her best friend in front of her. "Help me bring her to my room" Mal commanded as everyone helped lift Evie to Raven and Apple's dorm.

(Timeskip- 1 hour)

Raven and Mal were pacing around their room alone as Evie woke up. "Wow, my head is killing me," Evie spoke as she was brought into a tight hug with Mal.

"Evie are you ok? Did my mother hurt you? How did you get escape?" Mal blurted out question after question which caught Evie off guard. "One at a time, I still don't know what happened. Where's Apple!?" Evie responded sounded distressed.

"You were the only one that we saw come back.....oh no.... Apple stayed." Raven told in disbelief. "Girls, this is really really bad" Evie announced. "What happened out there Evie?" Mal asked, hoping that their plans didn't hurt anymore of her friends.

"She's......." Evie suddenly started glowing green and then froze as if she was paralyzed with fear in mid speech as two figures teleported inside the room. "No, no, no my dear sweet Evie. You don't get to spoil our surprise," the Evil Queen claimed as Maleficent approached Mal.

"Mother whatever you want from me, don't hurt my friends to get it" Mal spoke out while her eyes started glowing bright green.

"Hmm that depends on how cooperative you are my little dragon," Maleficent responded sounding as if the world was in her favor. Suddenly Evie made a sound of struggle which cause both Mal and Raven to focus on the Evil Queen. 

"Mal, we will make a deal with you. We will let go of Evie and make sure no harm comes to your friends if you come with us," announced Regina making Evie squeal out of pain again.

"Deal! DEAL! Leave them alone; I'll come with you,"Mal agreed as Maleficent snapped her fingers and a spindle appeared next to Mal. 

"Mal, don't do this. We can get them back another way. My mother never makes a full deal, not one without a price." Raven reasoned while Mal argued back "And my mother never gives a second chance; not when it comes to people's lives. Protect my friends for me ok?"Mal walked up to the spindle and pricked her finger on it cause her to turn to dust, teleporting her back to Regina's lair. 

Maleficent smiled before teleporting herself and Regina back to their lair, leaving Evie to regain control over her own body. Evie realized what just transpired and fell to the ground sobbing before Raven picked her up in her arms and gave her a tight hug.

"Evie, you need to tell me what you heard and what they're planning with Apple and Mal" Raven demanded sounding stern but comforting at the same time. "They're working together to turn you into the darkest person in all the realms, and they aren't afraid to use Apple against you to accomplish it".

I realized that I'm adding a cliffhanger to every chapter and then I add the next part of the story as soon as I finish writing it. So the cliffhangers aren't         really        cliffhangers? ANYWAYS, I'll see you later (Probably in like an hour with the next update)

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