Chapter 7

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Naruto POV~

I already knew what so many people must've been planning.

'They're going to try and bring me back.' I said. 

"They probably noticed that you'd disappeared quickly. From what I know, they should at least know what happened and sent search parties after you by now."

'Yeah. At least I'm not in Fire country anymore.'

"Technically, you still are."

Kurama was right. It's been a week since I left that note and snuck out of Konoha. Despite that, I was still wandering around on the border of the Land of Fire.  I looked down from my perch hidden on a tree branch, down at the friendly village where I'd gone to eat and stuff. The village was right inside the border, so yes, technically I was still in Fire country.

'Damn. Should I just live as a wandering ninja?'

"For a while, yes. It'll be dangerous to settle down for several months at least. The Leaf will never stop searching for us, but the number of search parties will diminish after some time if they don't find any trace of you."


"So don't get caught, gaki."

'Ok, jeez.'

Kurama hummed. He seemed a lot more...I don't know, cheerful. I could understand why, but despite that, he still had an edge to his chakra. The way it spiked at the mention of Konoha was like the way his emotions surged when I was in danger. Or when someone like Sakura was nearby.

He was still wary, as was I. Just because we were out of there didn't mean we were completely off the hook yet. Kurama hated the Leaf, and rightfully so.

'I think I'll stay in this village for a little. They seem nice.'

"No more than a day or two. Don't underestimate the search parties. I don't have a doubt that they'll be looking for you here and anywhere else along the border soon."

'You're right.' I said, dropping down from the tree and entering the village. 'I won't be here long.'

'The ramen here is good.'

"That's all you've been talking about. Ramen."

'It's not as good as Ichiraku's, but then again, Ichiraku was the only peaceful place I could eat at one point. I wish I could have said a proper goodbye to Ayame and Teuchi, but I know they would understand. My last Ichiraku's... it was so good. Even then, I hinted that I would leave, and they seemed to have gotten the hint. True friends, they are...'

"Enough with the ramen."

I rolled my eyes. 'Tch. Everyone here is so friendly. I'm not used to it.'

"Thats...not a good thing. But it makes sense. You should stay on your toes."

'I know, Kurama. You've been saying that for hours. At least let me sleep, okay?'

Kurama grumbled. "I have a bad feeling. Don't stay for more than a night."

'If you say so.' I trusted Kurama's instincts, and if they were telling him to be careful, then I knew well enough to listen.

I finished up the rest of my ramen (any ramen is good ramen, even if it's not Ichiraku's) and debated with Kurama on where I should sleep.

'This might be the last time I can sleep in a bed.'

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