Letter to Mai and Ty Lee

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Dear Tyty,

Oh boy. I think I might cry while writing this. I have to go away for a while and I don't know if we'll ever see each other again. If we don't, I just want you to know that you're important to me and I treasure our friendship. Remember to trust your instincts. They will probably protect you or another person.

Remember that you're Ty Lee. You aren't your sisters. You aren't Mai or Azula or me. You're Ty Lee, the circus freak. Not in a bad way though, because there is no bad way for you being yourself. You're so beautiful Ty Lee, everything about you.

I feel so honored to have had my aura read by you. I believe in my green aura and in your pink. Between me and you, Mai's aura is orange.

I'm sorry my possible final words to you are so short. I'm rushing to write this before you wake up for your morning stretches.



Dear Mai,

I wish I could show you just how important you are to me. Thank you for protecting me. Now please protect Zuko. You are a spectacular person and though you don't show it, I know you care.

Don't let anyone tell you you're a blah anymore, because to me, you're so exciting. You're so mature and your skills are beyond me sometimes.

Mai, you're one of my dearest friends. I can't wait for many more years of our friendship.

Maybe we would be like Lo and Li. Two weird old ladies who speak at the same time and never leave each other's sides.

If I get to see you again, we should go out for a relaxing cup of tea. Just us, no other overwhelming people.

Stay safe.

Love, Uzume

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