chapter 1

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Paris! The city of love, the city of romance! Ah, such a beautiful city for a playboy Casanova like me… all the beautiful women, the wine…. Belum pernah lagi saya rasa French game ni…. Wakakaka!

Hey, I’m Jason, Captain Jason Ashton Choong…. I’m a pilot and ummmm a playboy?
Ahahaha…. I am the total opposite of my charming brother, Jordan who's every woman’s dream husband…. Jordan is a chill guy, saya hot tempered… Jordan’s loyal as fuck, I’m only loyal to my job…

I am far from Mr. Nice, Mr. Prince Charming, I’m a bad, bad, notty boy…. Tsk tsk… Women to me…. Hmmm… they are beautiful creatures, made for pleasure…

I hope my brother produces grandkids for my parents soon… malas sudah saya dengar mom membebel mau ada cucu…

I can’t even get myself into a relationship, macamana mau manufacture anak? Jordan lah punya tugas tu, lagipun my brother finally got himself a woman, a beautiful one, good job, bro! Cepat-cepatlah kau kahwin, Jordy! Aman sikit telinga kita adik-beradik kalau kau sudah kahwin….

“cabin crew, prepare for landing…” fuh! The excitement in my voice blasted through the whole aircraft…

I turned to look at my co-pilot… both of us smiling macam orang gila… 😃

“capt. how many days again until our next flight?” Ethan tanya saya, I just know that smile on his face…

“7… we’ll be here a week…” saya bilang…

“I thought there’s a flight transit KL then KK in 2 days?” Ethan asked curiously…

“capt. Tristan flying it… crew schedules changed…” saya mengenyitkan mata saya…
“we’re the lucky ones…”

“lawalah, capt.” Ethan tersenyum miang…


It was 3 hours later that we finally checked-in in the hotel after disembarking from the aircraft and immigration clearance segala… it was bloody tiring, but saya tidak tau kenapa bersemangat betul saya ni… 😝

I placed my luggage in the closet stand and strip myself naked…. Saya mau mandi dulu…. Malam ni ada project… saya and my crew planned to club tonight at Nuits Fauves, 25 minutes drive from our hotel….

The hotel view is superb! Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel, a five-star hotel overlooking the view of the Eiffel Tower… I am living the fantastic moments of my life…

Kehangatan air yang memancur keluar from the shower is blissful… saya mandi syok-syok, 30 minutes juga saya mandi… boleh tahan kau, Jason…. Mandi pun kalah-kalah perempuan… siap saya mandi, saya mengeringkan badan and mencapai for my handphone on the king-sized four-poster bed….


Yeps, it’s time to get dressed… Saya membuka my luggage and took out a short-sleeved black collared buttoned-up shirt…. Masi ok lagi ni, tidak payah iron it out… then boxers and a black-ripped jeans….

Ketaralah semua tattoo saya menonjol… well, alot of women tergila-gila dengan ke-sexy-an saya yang bertattoo ni… ummm, I’m just not that gila for them… gila for 1 night bolehlah… 2 nights pun boleh…. Hmmm 3 nights? Itu macam serious sudah tu…

Saya kasi gel rambut saya to the side and sprayed my Giorgio Armani perfume from head to toe… hari ni mesti nampak super hot, super handsome and mesti super wangi….

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