chapter 29

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Back to HUDSON’S P.O.V

“I won’t lay a hand on my cousin’s husband…” saya hissed in his face… “don’t you dare show your face to me until you are so sure that you deserve your wife and son!”

Saya turned, I’m already late for my meeting… terkejut saya nampak Holly berdiri terkaku di depan saya, her eyes red dan berair… she’s going to cry again… ugh!

“What’s all this, Hud?” the pain in Holly’s voice sangat ketara… “why?”

I understand Holly’s ‘why’….

Dia belum bersedia untuk Jason mengetahui about their marriage and their son… but I have no time for this right now…

“I’ll deal with you later…” saya menjawab Holly… “stay with Holly here sekejap, love…”

saya memandang bini saya dengan harapan Jemie can control Holly right now sebab I have to finish off this important meeting…

I walked into the VVIP suite…

“Tuan…” saya tabik hormat sambil tersengih… “lama tunggu?”

“Hudson Bestian… baru juga…” Holland replied…

“Syd…” saya angguk to Sydney… “drinks, please… have anything…”

“Nanti sajalah…” Sydney bilang… “I might continue to club after this…”

Holland gave Sydney a ‘you’re dead’ look…

“The documents…” Holland menghulurkan saya a big envelope… “we honour the deal…”

I smiled, if you need someone you can count on, I know it's this bloody DPP... such a cold guy but a reliable one... 😏

Holland memandang di belakang saya...…

“Your wife?” dia tanya saya… “I heard you are married…”

Oh shit! I should introduce my wife… saya mau menghabiskan this meeting secepatnya sebab saya tau Jemie terlalu penat because of her flight from Paris…

“Ehmmm…” i cleared my throat… “ye…”

belum saya sempat habis kan kata-kata saya...

“I thought I’d never say this to a Bestian…” Holland said as a matter of factly… “but thank you for saving Jason…”

“WHO?!” terkejut Holland and Sydney terdengar suara Holly… “Who?”

Saya pusing, shit again! Shit! bukan Jemie pula yang di belakang saya, tapi it’s Holly… saya tidak sedar yang Holly mengejar saya dari belakang…

Ugh! Why can’t you just go and sooth your big baby of a husband di luar sana, Holly?! Bikin panas! 😡

Bingung pula dorang tengok Holly, tidak satu patah pun terkeluar dari mulut dorang…

“saved who?!” Holly screamed… saya pejam mata saya dan menarik nafas sedalamnya….

“Hol…” I tried to calm her down, after calming myseld down…

“NO!! Saved who?!” Holly teresak-esak sudah…

“Jason… Captain Jason Choong…” Holland meneliti muka Holly… “sounds familiar?”

“You knew all along?!” Holly tengok saya dengan mata yang berair… “you knew Jason’s still alive, HUDSON?!”

Astaga, baru beberapa bulan bah saya tau… itupun kalau bukan pasal Holland and Sydney, sampai bila-bila pun Jason akan disangka sudah mati…

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