chapter 21

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Saya sedang duduk in my KK office going through all the company's financial year end reports when I heard a knock on my door…

“Boss…” Kelly’s voice memenuhi ruangan udara dalam office saya… I looked up with a question in my expression… “There’s two men who wants to see you…”

“I have a meeting with them?” saya tanya with a little annoyance in my voice...

setahu saya, I don’t have any appointments today because I just wanted to concentrate on the company’s financial reports…

“Not sure, boss…” Kelly replied sambil shrugging her shoulders…

“So? I’m busy…” saja saya jawab… saya kembali meneliti the reports on my desk…


some shoes I hear…? 🤨

“Kelly… I told you…” saya looked up bersedia mau marah Kelly, but stopped….

I curved a one-sided smile…. 😏 How unexpected….

“Tuan DPP…” saya tersenyum… “Holland Robinson…”

“Hudson Bestian…. It’s been a long time…” Holland, that cold attitude never change…

“Sydney, my man…” I nodded towards Sydney… “what an honour  to be visited by the Robinsons...”

I stood up, hands in my pockets and walked towards my wine cabinet… I poured brandy to three empty glasses…

“Please….” Saya signal for them to sit…

Saya berjalan balik menuju meja saya dan meletakkan two glasses of brandy di depan Holland and Sydney…

“The best from Bestian Le’ Joux… “ I lifted the glass and nodded at the Robinsons…

The three of us sipped our brandy slowly…

“so tell me, Tuan DPP… I’m shaking already…” saya buat-buat tangan saya terketar-ketar macam ketakutan konon sambil tersengih… hahaha!

“shaking my ass…” ah, Holland… always a man bitch… hahaha! “Flight QZ264…”

Saya cuba menyembunyikan kekejutan di raut wajah saya… apa kena-mengena the plane crash dengan dorang Holland and Sydney?

Saya cuma menaikkan satu kudou waiting for Holland to continue… tapi seems like Holland menunggu saya lah pula… kami bertatapan beberapa saat until I said….

“I guess you can get straight to the point, Holland…” saya memandang Holland dengan tajam… “I believe if you are already in my office, you have done your investigations thoroughly… the Holland Robinson that I know, tidak pernah tersasar dari sasaran…”

“You were the last passenger who were supposed to board the plane…” Holland bilang… still with that cold tone…

“so I was… “ saya agreed… apa? Dia sangka saya hijacked the plane or something? 🙄

“there were more than 50 bodies unidentified, Hud…” Sydney ni kali bersuara…

I just shrugged my shoulders…

“still that same old Bestian… never care about others except themselves…” Holland ni bikin panas… 😒

“what do you want?” berkerut sudah dahi saya…

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