Trophies On The Wall

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Roaming across the hall
I stumbled upon a wall
Where trophies stand tall
Within a shelf not so small

Splendid shimmer caught my eye
Their names written with golden dye
Along with achievements so high
That almost nobody can defy

Worked my way up to be up there
Now standing in its noble tier
Where I'm a centerpiece to appear
Is this what is all left in my career?

I learned the truth that one must know
That we are just trophies for a show
We all come here and go
In this lavish position on a row

We'll stay long enough in this place
Until someone better comes to replace
And end all our glory and grace
For someone new they'll embrace

We're just trophies they wear like sash
With no real value to hold like cash
Ready to be disposed in the trash
When we're no longer needed in their cache

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