Night Terrors

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No one's pov

Why? Please stop! Stop RESETING!
Frisk... Kid please, I don't want to see everyone die again!
Sans desperately pleaded but frisk
respons was a devilish smile. Papyrus was in front of frisk until... she slashed him. Sans eye socket were empty, lifeless, he was struggling to
keep his own feet standing until he
gave up. He kneeled on the ground picking up Papyrus scarf and he silently burst into tears.

"Nonononono NO! Not again not
agai-" Sans words were cut of since
Frisk pulled a knife and sliced his head off.

"NO!" Sans screamed, gasping air in his non-existent lungs while sitting up.
He looked around at his surroundings.

"SANS IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT IN THERE?" Said Papyrus. He worryingly opened the door seeing the crying skeleton in bed.

"Paps..." Sans said tears flowing down his sockets chocking from his sobs.

HERE...I'M HERE..." Said Papyrus assuring him that everything was ok.


"Hmm... Paint there and a little paint here..." I was painting till someone interrupted me.

"INK!" Dream screamed in panic.

"Huh... Oh Dream anything you need?" I asked.

"No but I feel a lot of negativity inside
Undertale Sans..."

"I knew this would happen, he already gave up... if Sans is not treated properly the whole AU could turn into

"I... Is it time to use plan B"

"I guess least it could make them both happy. I think at least one of them for sure..."



"What was boss even thinking! Just because I FUCKING SPILLED MUSTARD I GET KICKED OUT OF THE HOUSE" I said angrily.

Out of rage I punched a tree.

"I guess he really doesn't need me anymore...."

A bleu portal opened in front of me. Out of shock I fell over. I saw a brown scarf and a yellow belt coming towards me.

Dream's pov

Ink teleported us to Underfell so we can snatch fell IF he agrees to come with us.

We went out the portal seeing the shocked skeleton on the ground. He looked angry when he saw Ink.


"Oops I guess I forgot my bad habit" Ink said embarrassed.

It was silent around us so I had to think for a way to break this awkwardness.

"Oh yeah... Red would you like to come with us for a moment" I said hitting Inks shoulders. Finally after 1 minute he got the idea.

"Yeah we have something to negotiate about"

"What if I don't" Said Red intimidating.

"W.. Well 10 free bottles of mustard.."
I said hoping it would work.

Red was gritting his teeth until he gave up and sighted. "You got yourself a deal..."



Red drank the mustard with satisfaction on his face. Instead of 10 bottles of mustard he got 25 bottles.

Dream wanted to stop red with drinking since it was getting embarrassing, but Red was hard to negotiate with especially if he doesn't get what he wants.

Red finally stopped drinking.
"So... What do you want to NE-GO-TI-ATE about exactly..." Said Red twirling his bottle around.

"Well the thing is we're here because the Undertale AU'S are in danger..." explains Ink.

"I feel a lot of negativity from UT Sans, known as Classic" Dream said looking down at the table.

"So...we're talking about the original? What about him?" Asked Red still playing with his bottle.

Ink somehow was hesitating to say it but for the fate of the AU'S he must tell.

"it might destroy every Sans that exists"

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