《ʀᴀɪɴᴘᴀɪ: ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ》

561 16 13

Requested by ManahFathima16
Hope you like it!

I looked around frantically.

She's here right?

"You alright...?" She softly asked, making my heart flutter.

"Y-yeah..." I replied, trying to avoid her chocolate brown eyes.

She was here I just knew it.

That creep who stalks me.

Whenever I fall in love they die.

She was bound to be here.

It was my first date with Rainbow.

She was a sweet girl.

I didn't want her to be subject to that phyco.

She absentmindedly picked off the crusts on her sandwich and ate them.

"S-so... Um, what's your favourite dessert?" She shyly asked, looking across at me.

"I like vanilla cake." I replied.

She giggled.

"Basic much? I love all desserts, my favourite would have to be red velvet white chocolate cake. So good!" She smiled.

I smiled back at her.

She was so angelic.

My smile faltered.

I saw her.

At the window.

Peeking through.

Rainbow glanced in the direction I was looking at.

The happy mood before crumbled.

"I... I need to go. I'll pay for my food and leave. Thanks for this." She said quietly.

Her chair made a loud noise as it scraped the wooden floors.

She was playing right into her hands.

"Wait-! Um... I mean I'll escort you back to your house?" I desperately said.

I know that my stalker was waiting for her to go by herself.

"U-uh... Sure..." She hesitantly murmured.

I payed for our food and we left the cafe.

"You seem... On the edge, are you alright?" She asked gently.

"Um, you might not believe me but there was this creepy person staring at you in the window."


Rainbow seemed lost in thought.

After arriving at Rainbow's house...

"Thanks for today..." Rainbow awkwardly nodded.

"Sorry, I basically ruined our first date." I sheepishly apologised.

She shook her head.

"It's fine I guess."

She practically whispered goodbye and shut the door.

Seconds later, I started to walk down the steps when the door slammed open.

"I'm sorry for asking this but can you please stay the night!" She cried.

"My siblings aren't home and I'm scared!" She whimpered, she looked so innocent in the moonlight.

"Yeah... Sure." I smiled.

She opened the door and gestured for me to go inside.

She showed me where the guest bedroom was and gave me a tour of the house.

We were chatting when her phone rang.

"I'm gonna go answer this, it's my sister." She politely informed.

I nodded.

She went up the stairs into her room.

I paused for a moment, but then walked to the guest room on the bottom floor.

I started playing on my phone.

The doorbell rang.

An eerie silence filled the house.

Rainbow's voice upstairs stopped.

I nervously called out to her, "do you want me to answer the door?"

She came from the top of the stairs and shook her head firmly.

This time, they knocked.

She looked petrified.

They started pounding on the door.

We both stayed quiet.

They eventually stopped.

Rainbow looked traumatised and headed upstairs.

"Goodnight." She whispered.

"Goodnight." I replied.

I lay in bed for a while.

Nowadays I couldn't get to sleep very easily.

Not with my mind questioning who my stalker could be.

I'd even made a file on my phone ruling out every Female I knew.

I knew they were female because I'd heard her talking to herself.

I was about to go back into a classroom because I'd left my pens.

Then I'd heard laughter.

Not the type of laughter that you laugh with.

Laughter that sent chills down your spine and made you look behind you.

"Kai is mine," She cackled, no humour in her voice. "I dare you to take him away from me."

The memory makes me almost wet myself.

I headed to the kitchen absentmindedly.

I started to look for ingredients to make for cookies.

I shut the cupboards as quietly as I could.

I made the cookies and put them in the oven.

I took a seat on the island chairs.

"Hey..." A groggy voice said.

I snapped around to see Rainbow in her nightgown.

I could feel heat rush to my face.

"Hey. You couldn't sleep? I made some cookies, if you want." I offered.

She smiled faintly.

Her smile vanished.

"I woke up to banging on my window. I'm pretty sure she climbed onto my balcony." She explained.

"You can sleep with me if you want." I said.

I paused, realising how wrong that sounded.

"I-I meant-" I hurriedly gabbled.

"Yeah. Thanks!" She took the cookies out and put some on a plate.

I took my cookies to the guest room and scolded myself for being so awkward.

I heard the door creep open.

Rainbow stood there, bright red in the face.

Many awkward moments later...

Rainbow lay beside me, snoring cutely.

I don't think I've ever had such a fun day.

Sorry this took so long to publish!

☁︎ Signing off, Rose. ✍︎

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