《ᴇᴠʟᴇᴄ: ᴄᴜᴛᴇ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇs》

619 18 63

This was requested by my good friend baaoinkmoo

Note: Thank you all so much for 1k reads!

I put the phone down and threw myself on my bed.

Head in my hands, I groaned.

Yumi needed me to get rid of evidence.

Now I had to cancel my date with my boyfriend Evan.

The very thing I was looking forward to for the whole week!

I glanced at my phone for a moment.

I shook my head.

I needed to go and tell him in person or suspicions would arise.

I mentally scolded myself as I got dressed.

I hopped into the car and drove.

The way there felt like hours.

I got my key to his apartment and braced myself.

"Babe!" An enthusiastic voice called, making me feel even worse.

I opened my eyes to look at him and was caught by surprise.

"W-what's all this...?" I asked, looking around in surprise.

He ran over to plant a kiss on my cheek.

"Duh, our movie night habitat! We have our pillow fort over there, rations that can last us months and all the DVDs in the world!" Evan squealed, handing me my favourite mint tea.

I saw the look of pure child-like excitement in his eyes.

I couldn't bring myself to say no to his adorable face.

I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Thank you! It's perfect." I grinned at him.

His eyes lit up and he started to turn red.

"I-I- I'll go get the movies-!" He muttered.

He brought back a stack of DVDs.

"So, all the Disney classics, I have some Pixar, DreamWorks, Classics, etc!"

He chucked them on the floor and started to sort through them.

"Ooo! These are good, ah, classics, hmmmm why don't we just watch all of these." I suggested.

"Yeah! I want this movie marathon to be as fun as possible." He grinned back at me.

He pulled out some board games and fluffed up the cushions.

I set up the DVD and got all the snacks from the kitchen and put them on a tray so there wouldn't be any mess.

We crawled into the pillow fort and got comfortable.

"Hey, don't we have that assignment due tomorrow...?" Evan questioned.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I'll do it for you tomorrow. I already did mine." I shrugged notchanatly.

Evan slid into my lap and we got the blankets and turned the TV on.

Halfway through Pixels Evan's eyes dimmed and he started snoring softly.

He looked so peaceful.

I turned the volume down on the TV so he could sleep properly.

I sat in the almost silence - apart from the occasional buzz from the TV.

When it got to the loud fight scene I just muted it.

I wanted this moment to last forever.

My phone started to blast my ringtone, which was Evan's first song he ever wrote.

Evan stirred in his sleep.

I fumbled to decline the call.

Then I saw who was calling.

I gently tipped Evan off me and went to the kitchen.

"What... What do you want now?" I asked.

"You disobeyed me." Yumi ominously said.

"You know what happens when Yumi gets mad..." She murmured.

Talking in third person is bad.

"W-what did you do?!" I questioned, trying to stay calm.

She giggled.

"Who did you torment this time?!"

I was freaking out.

Last time I disobeyed her to hang out with someone they ended up in the river the next day, not breathing.

"Let's just say... Aly tripped." She said slowly, letting me take it in.

"WHAT?! WHY HER?!" I cried out.

She giggled cruelly again.

"I mean, I'll make sure she doesn't trip next time if you come and do what I ask." She sweetly offered.

"Will you never ever go near her again if I do this?"

I held my breath, waiting for her reply.

"That can be arranged... If you never cross me again."

"Remember what happened with Funneh? And Celeste when she confessed to me? Remind yourself, Alec. Where are they now?" She drawled.

Poor Celeste :(

I shut my eyes tightly.

That didn't stop a tear from escaping.

"I-I get it. I'm coming to see you now..." My voice wobbled.

I got my coat from the peg and draped it on my arm.

"Going to see who?" A voice from the doorway asked.

I met the eyes of my furious boyfriend.

Usually when awoken, he's groggy and mean.

Now, however, it was different.

"Where are you going that is so important you're leaving me here alone, again!" He fumed, stomping over to me.

"You're always sneaking off, acting sketchy and never being there when you're supposed to be!" Evan listed, smoke practically shooting out of his ears.

"What's so important that you have to go...?" His voice broke, tears on the wooden floor.

He furiously wiped them away.

"GOD DAMMMIT, SAY SOMETHING!" He shouted, shoving me hard.

"E-Evan... I-I-!"

I struggled to form words and Evan just carried on mocking me.

"For your safety, Evan," He stopped and looked at me, "I can't answer that."

His eyes widened slightly.

"I'm sorry... I wish I could've done better. I wish I could've changed things... But I can't." I apologised.

I looked him dead in the eye.

"This is goodbye."

Sorry, Eliza, you never said if it was fluff or not.


Really though, I'm sorry.

☁︎ Signing off, Rose. ✍︎

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