《ᴋʀɪɴᴄᴇ: ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs ᴀʀᴇ ғᴏʀ》

611 13 80

For me Friendo baaoinkmoo

Warning: Profanities & Mentions Of Suicide & Other Heavy Topics.

Dejected, I was was walking home now.

"Prince... You're cheating on me, aren't you...?" Gold said.


I felt horrible for what I was about to do.

No, maybe she'd believe me.

No she wouldn't.

I held her hands in mine.

"I made a promise never to lie to you when we first started dating... Gold, I have been cheating on you." I lied.

The look on her face broke my heart.

It has to be like this...

She jolted away from me in disgust.

"That promise was never fvcking kept, cheating asshole."

She stormed out my house.

In a fit of rage, she threw all my limited edition collectibles and my only picture of my mother.

The glass and the frame shattered.

Gold briefly paused, realising what she'd done.

She burst into tears and ran out.

I sank to my knees to pick up the picture.

My hand was bleeding a fair amount when I finally rescued the picture.

I looked down at my bandaged hands.

The frame was also quite valuable but I only cared about the picture.

It's funny, Gold was the only girl I truly liked.

But she dumped me.

The first one in fact.

Guess it's karma.

Karma's a bitch.

My first swear word-

I tried to remember some happy memories of Gold and I.

Nothing came to mind.

Dam that's depressing-

Whenever we finally got to go on dates one of us had to cancel.

She had work and I also had work.

I stood her up more often because I was busy taking over father's buisness.

"Playing with girls is all you're good for." Funneh sneered.

I breathed out hot air into my hands.

Why the fvck did I not bring gloves...

Growing up, Father cheated on mum time and time again.

Mum put up with it because she loved him.

He was horrible to her.

Forbidding her to go outside talk to men or even just go on buisness trips.

The world's worst hypocrite.

It was painful to watch.

I knew it was wrong even though I was just a kid.

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