It's called Dyslexia.

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(A/N, for those whom do not know, the picture above is what Rylan Now looks like. Her Face Claim is Lizzy Hale.)

~Rylan has created a group chat~

~Rylan has added everyone~

Rylan- Guys, I'm bored.

Tony- Holy shit she spelt it right.

Steve- Language.

Rylan- Hey!

Y/n- Sorry, but how long did it take you to learn the correct spelling of bored?

Rylan- Shut up! It's not my fault!

Pietro- Then who's fault was it then?

Rylan- I have dyslexia okay? Like damn.

Thor- What's that?

Madelyn- a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.

Rylan- Yeah, that. ^

Y/n- But how does that explain the spelling?

Rylan- Well, spelling is part of dyslexia. For example, I couldn't spell 'eight' until I was 12 years old.

Y/n- Really? 12?

Rylan- Yes, really.

Pietro- Wow.

Y/n- So you struggle with reading?

Rylan- And spelling, yeah.

Pietro- Well that makes sense.

Natasha- Yeah, I guess.

Madelyn- Anyways, you were bored?

Rylan- Yeah, but now I have a mission to go on. Laters.

~Rylan has logged off~

Y/n- Well that was enlightening.

Wanda- And surprising.

Y/n- Not really. It does explain a lot though.

Steve- Wait, since when did she have a mission?

Pietro- That's the part you choose to focus on?

Clint- Does it really matter?

Y/n- Guess not. But I don' think she'd appreciate us talking about her.

Madelyn- Agreed.

Wanda- Then what do we talk about?

Y/n- It's 52 days till Halloween.

Sam- Really? Already?

Bruce- Well, it's not surprising. Witch everything that's went on the passage of time could be perceived differently. 

Bucky- Like the two weeks between Christmas and New year?

Bruce- Exactly.

Y/n- True. I mean, does anyone remember the Australian wild fires?

Natasha- Right, that was a thing.

Clint- Airn't their wild fires in California now?

Vision- There is.

Stephen- And the election is this year.

Madelyn- True.

Y/n- Then the Olympics were moved to next year.

Scott- Righht, they're a thing.

Rhodes- I guess a lot has happened.

Y/n- I still have a feeling we're forgetting something.

Thor- Like what?

Natasha- Yeah like what?

Madelyn- You mean like the other things that've happened this year?

Y/n- Not what I meant but an important point to make.

Clint- Fair point.

Natasha- You mean the BLM movement?

Sam- Right.

Clint- This year has got to be the worst to be honest.

Y/n- Agreed.

~Fury has logged on~

Fury- What are you all doing?! There is a meeting that started two minutes ago and none of you are here! Move, now!

~Fury has logged off~

Y/n- So that's what we forgot.

Natasha- Let's go before it gets worse.

Steve- Agreed.

~Everyone has logged off~

(A/N (Again) - Alright guys, sorry this is both really short, really bad, and that I haven't posted in a long time.

School started a week and a half ago and in the process of packing.

I've not been having any ideas for this book. At this point I'm even considering ending it.

Anyway, as always, if you have any ideas, please tell me, or even some dialogue, or anything.

I really do enjoy writing for you guys but it's coming to the point where it feels more like a task then something I do for fun witch shouldn't be the case.

Anyway, I'll post when I can. Later squad.)

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