Part 4

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The flight over to New York had been pretty quiet.
Olivia had closed her eyes for a second.
Opening them, they were landing. Riley had fallen asleep against her. This was Olivia's first return to New York since her Mom died. That’s when her drinking began.
Riley had a limo pick them up from the airport and take them to her apartment downtown. Ten floors up, Olivia felt a bit giddy looking at Riley's view from her second home. Riley was running around the apartment, talking to someone named Julie on her phone. Olivia picked up the binoculars on the table and observed the surrounding buildings. Skyscrapers, anyone anytime, could aim a gun and shoot anyone through a window from a deck, and you’d never know where it came from.
“Anything worth looking at?”
Riley came up behind her placing her hand on her shoulder.
“Great view; pity these other buildings being around.”
“Yeah, I know, right, nosy neighbours.” Riley smiled. “Listen, I’ve got my mother-in-law due here soon. She doesn’t know anything about what’s been happening, so don’t say anything.” Olivia turned to look at her leaning against the railing.
“Like I would, Riley.”
“I know I’m just... nervous. How do I introduce you?”
Olivia laughed. “I’m anyone you want me to be. Riley, I want to get down to the NYPD and get their help on a few things while you’ve got company.”
“You’re going to leave me?” Riley mocked sadness.
“I’m sure you will be fine.” Olivia reached into her jacket pocket and handed Riley her card with her number on it. “Call me if you need me.”
“I will. Hey, Liv wait a minute?” Riley walked over to the pantry and grabbed something out. “Here,” She handed her some keys.
“What’s this?”
“Transportation. What do you want, the Merc or the bike?”
“Excuse me. You have a bike?” Riley laughed at the shock on Olivia’s face.
“I knew you were coming.”
“What?” Riley came back from her room with a red helmet.
Olivia was in complete shock. “Riley, I can’t take this.”
Riley handed her the helmet. “Of course, you can.” Olivia smiled, kind of all-struck. “It’s down in the basement garage. Park number is on the key ring.”
Olivia started walking to the door, still blown away.
“Are you sure?”
“Olivia, just enjoy it.” Riley smiled.
“Ok. I won’t be long. Remember, call me if you need me.”
“I will.”

Olivia met up with Detective Stephanie Brown at the NYPD office. She needed to know as much as possible concerning Derek Devereux’s dealings and reputation in NY and abroad and anything on the Romano and Denano families. Her Cap had already been in touch with the NYPD and the LAPD, letting them know that one of her inspectors was going undercover protecting the deceases wife. Detective Brown promised to give Olivia all the support her Division could while she was in his city.

Olivia walked out of the prescient and gave Riley a quick ring to check she was ok. She still had her mother-in-law there. Olivia told her she just wanted to go and see her mother before heading back but to let her know if her mother-in-law was leaving and she’d be right back. Riley had said that was fine and to say Hi to her mom for her. Closing her phone, Olivia remembered that she hadn’t told Riley her mother had died. She slipped on her helmet and started riding the bike to the cemetery.
Pulling up to the cemetery, Olivia parked and walked over to the grave she knew. “Hi, Mom.” She said, crouching in the spot she’d worn out years ago. “Sorry, I know it’s been a while; I’ve been looking after dad for you. He’s doing alright. Misses being in the force, but what can you do once retirement comes, right.” She laughed. Sighing, she looked at the photo of her mom. “You’d be proud of me, mom. I’ve been sober for a year now. I can’t say I’m any happier, though.” She felt a tear come to her eye.
“I can’t drown life out anymore.”
She wiped her cheek. “Ha, you wouldn’t believe who’s showed up to torment me again? Riley bloody Munroe.” She laughed. “She’s why I’m here. She married an idiot. I would never have thought I’d be laying my life down for Riley Munroe, but I guess I would.”
She briefly looked at the stone with her mother’s name.
“I miss you, mom. I have so much to tell you.”
In the silence, she heard her phone. It was a text from Riley
–In law leaving in about 15-.
“Typical, it’s Riley.” She texted back
–Be there soon-.
Standing, she pulled her jacket around her. “I love you, mom. God, I wish you were still here.” She kissed her fingers and touched her mom’s photo. With that, she walked back over to the bike and headed back to the apartment.

The next day was the day of the funeral. Riley was fidgety all morning.
“Do you wear anything apart from that trench coat?”
“What’s wrong with my jacket?” Olivia shouted from the guest bedroom.
“Nothing, except you're wearing it every time I see you. I’m surprised you don’t sleep in it.” Olivia poked her head around the door frame.
“I have, and it was great; thanks for asking.”
Riley stood in the lounge with her hands on her hips. “You’re not wearing it today. I’ll find you something else.” Olivia walked into the lounge, kind of surprised at Riley’s decision.
“Come on, Riley. I can dress myself. You know I wouldn’t be caught dead in your clothes.”
“Olivia.” Riley put her finger up. “Just wait.” She shuffled off to her room and returned with a black dinner jacket. “Here, try that on.” Olivia expected a flowery dress or bright-coloured blouse, not a half-decent dinner jacket. She slipped it on over her black shirt. She turned around and looked at her reflection in the mirror by the door.
“That looks better,” Riley said, coming up behind her. Olivia straightened herself up.
“Not bad.” She nodded.
“I know, now if we just...” Riley reached up, pulling Olivia’s long hair back into a ponytail. She looked back at their reflection in the mirror. She dropped her chin on her shoulder.
“Please, I need my Livia today.”
Olivia sighed, looking at Riley’s reflection. Riley was looking right back at her with sadness in her eyes.
“Ok.” Olivia nodded quietly.
Riley let go of Olivia’s hair, letting her hand slip down over her back; reaching around, she quickly kissed the side of her head.
“Hey!” Olivia jerked away. “Cut that out!”


Olivia felt entirely out of place at the funeral.
She didn’t even know the man; she didn’t know anyone at the funeral except Riley’s folks, who had both brought their spouse of the moment. They were both surprised to see her there but glad all the same. She’d taken a position at the back of the church, letting Riley sit up the front with the rest of the family. She observed everyone that attended the service. Granted, it was a funeral, but the room was full of middle or high-class white-collared suits. No one looked out of place. It wasn’t until Riley walked up onto the stage that she stopped playing the cop.
Riley spoke of how they’d met, their dreams, and the fun times. Olivia couldn’t see them but could feel the tears running down her friends’ cheeks. She leaned back against the wall wishing she could run up there and support her in her arms.
“Where ever you are, Derek...” Riley took a moment; her eyes met Olivia’s against the back wall. “Thank you for your love. I’ll love you forever.”
Olivia felt herself go red, hot flush and embarrassed all at once.
Riley stepped down from the stage and sat with Derek’s family.
Olivia turned and quietly went outside.

She felt like a cigarette even though she didn’t smoke. Taking a deep breath, she reached for her phone and speed-dialled Maggie.
“Hey, Olivia girl! How are you going?”
“Hey, Mag. Ah, I’m at a funeral of a guy I never met, and I don’t know anyone, so yeah, fantastic. Got anything new for me?”
“Hey, I’m fine too, thanks for asking!”
Olivia leaned against the outside wall smiling; she missed her partner.
“I haven’t got much, but here’s something you’ll love.”
“Oh gees, what?”
“Well, apparently, the last few times this kind of debt-paying business went down from one of these families, it wasn’t until a year later, on the anniversary of the deceased, that someone asked for that payment.”
“Shit, you’ve got to be kidding me!” Olivia pushed off the wall.
“So you’re cool with me taking over your desk then?” Maggie laughed through the phone.
“Hey, don’t you touch my desk, lady!”
She heard her partner still laughing on the other end. “Don’t worry, Liv, the Caps looking into it for you. She wants you back here, not holidaying around the countryside with a millionairess.”
Olivia smiled. “It isn’t that bad, nice apartment, limos, motorbikes. I might marry the woman.”
“Oh, I can’t wait to see that. I miss you, girl. You keep in touch, aye.”
“Will do.”

She didn’t see Riley again until the coffin was loaded into the hearse. Riley had searched for her to ride in the car to the cemetery.
Olivia looked out the window when they pulled into the cemetery, looking at the familiar path she’d taken only the day before. While Riley had wandered off with the rest of the family over to the fresh gravesite, Olivia took a detour over to her mother’s burial place.
Looking around, Riley spotted her in another plot kneeling before a headstone.
“Excuse me for a minute.”
She made her way over to her friend. Quietly she came up behind her. Looking at the headstone, she recognized the name. She looked at the date. Nine years ago.
She placed her hand on Olivia’s shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me, Liv? I’m so sorry.” Olivia bowed her head.
“It was so long ago, Riley.”
“I would have been there for you.”
Olivia stood. “She knows you’re here now. That’s enough. Come on.” She said, turning around. “Today’s about you, not me.”
Riley smiled. She linked her arm with Olivia’s, and they returned to the burial plot.

Riley wouldn’t let her stand back with everyone else. She held onto her arm tightly, not letting her go. Olivia could feel people looking at her, wondering who she was. Thank god for sunglasses. She wasn’t listening to the guy taking the service; she was still observing the people standing around. The joy of being a cop, distraction.
It wasn’t until she felt Riley’s arm loosen and slide down hers to intertwine their fingers that made her look immediately in front of her, seeing the coffin being lowered down into the ground. She looked back up at the people around her, suddenly vocal in their crying.
The bad thing about being a cop is a distraction.
She felt Riley wrap her other arm around hers and bury her head in her shoulder. Tears were falling down her cheek. Automatically she squeezed Riley’s hand and wrapped her arm around her friend’s head, pulling her into a hug. For a moment, she didn’t care who was looking at them. Her oldest friend had crumbled against her and needed her support.
“I’ve got you, babe.” She whispered.
She felt other bodies near, then the touch of other arms. Looking up, a few other people had gathered to comfort Riley. They’d wrapped themselves around her.
Olivia had strangers touching her. She suddenly felt uncomfortable. She pulled back from Riley very quickly, only feeling their hands touching. Then nothing. She was standing outside the circle where she’d just stood.
All she could do was move away.
Stepping back, she looked around again at the crowd of people. She thanked god once again for the sunglasses! They were all comforting each other.
In the distance, she saw a couple of guys in suits and shades standing beside a black BMW. She blinked against the sun. She was sure she hadn’t seen them at the service. She moved out of the crowd, making it look like she was heading towards the cars just over a bit. Out of the corner of her eye, she tried to get a closer look at them without being suspect. She pulled out her phone and made it look like she was making a call.
Obviously uncomfortable with how close she was towards them, the guys turned and got back in the car. She quickly turned and snapped a picture of the license plate and the last guy getting in the car. She returned the phone to her ear, continuing her fake phone call. The car took off quietly, leaving the cemetery. She closed her phone and leaned against the car she’d arrived in. She looked back at the crowd still over at the gravesite. They were lined up, throwing flowers and dirt in the hole as their last respect. She couldn’t even see Riley. She flipped her phone back open and found the photo she’d just taken. It wasn’t that great, but hopefully, it was something. She scrolled through her menu and emailed the pictures to Maggie’s work. She sent a text with it asking her to get it analyzed.
Closing her phone, she stretched, holding back a yawn. She wasn’t going to walk back over to where everyone else was. Riley was fine. She pushed herself off and went and paid another visit to her mom.

Olivia walked into the quiet apartment. She’d told Riley to go to the get-together with her family and enjoy the company. If she needed, she would come to pick her up if she wanted. She knew she’d be ok. She just wanted some time out.
This had happened so quickly that she really hadn’t got her head around it all. It was great having Riley around again, honestly. Kind of weird after all these years apart, but good all the same. The last few days, she felt different. Like the part of her that was missing was back. She couldn’t say that it was Riley herself but who she was around her. She felt like herself again. Her younger self she had forgotten. In some ways, the tough young girl from the Bronx was still there but wasn’t as fiery anymore.
Smiling, she always had Riley to take things out on, and Riley could always bite back. She hadn’t had that outlet for a long time. Drinking was her way of dealing with things after her mom died. She didn’t talk things out with anyone anymore. Not even Mag, to an extent. Riley knew her more intimately. Even though time had changed them, they were still the same. For once in a long time, she didn’t feel alone.
Someone needed her, even if it wasn’t for long.
Even if it was only Riley.

She woke to a bang against the apartment door. Looking up from the couch, she heard the tumble of keys. Kicking her jacket off, she got up and went to the door. Checking the peephole before opening it, she opened it a jar, smiling at the dishevelled mess of Riley in front of her. Riley looked up at her laughing at her.
“What’s so funny?”
“You, you pisshead. Where’s your brother-in-law?” Olivia put her hand out, helping her friend inside.
“He put me in the elevator, and poof, he was gone.” She laughed.
“I’m assuming you had a good evening?” Olivia said, closing the door behind them. Riley chucked her heels across the floor and headed straight for the fridge. “Would I have drunk so much if I had had a fucking good evening?”
Olivia quickly intervened in the glass of wine Riley was about to pour.
“You don’t need that.” She put the bottle back in the fridge. She grabbed the glass and filled it with water, passing it to her friend.
“God, some of those people are wankers Livia. Fucking wankers.”
Olivia laughed to herself. This was the first time she’d heard Riley swear like this in years. “Come on.” She took the glass from her hand and led her to her bedroom, turning the lounge light off on the way.
“I loved Derek, but god, HE was an asshole.”
Olivia didn’t say anything. She switched on the bedside lamp and turned the bed down while Riley continued behind her.
“Plastic fake fuckers. All of them!”
She turned around and helped Riley remove her dress.
“Don’t let me become one of them, Liv...” She threw her dress in the corner. “I’ll go crazy, Liv. I couldn’t do it.”
Olivia tucked her in, gently brushing a few strains of hair off her face. “You won’t, Blondie. Come on, get some sleep.” Reaching over, she switched the lamp off and turned to leave. Before she could, she felt a hand on her arm.
“Livia, stay with me.” Olivia turned to look into the darkness. Riley slid her hand down into hers. “I don’t want to be alone.”
“Riley I...” Riley squeezed her hand, pulling her closer; she wasn’t going to let go. Sighing, Olivia kicked off her jeans and let her pull her into the bed and cuddle up beside her. Riley finally relaxed. “I’m glad you’re here.” She whispered.
“Tell me about being a cop?”
Olivia moved her arm more comfortably under Riley’s shoulder, placing her hand back over the woman’s waist.
“Ah, what do you wanna know?” She whispered back.
“Is it stressful?”
“Yeah, I guess it is. It’s frustrating some of the situations you have to deal with.” Riley could feel the vibrations of Olivia’s voice in her ear.
“People must drive you crazy?” She closed her eyes.
“Yeah, I’ve lost my cool quite a few times. Luckily, I have Maggie. We bounce off each other well.” Riley moved slightly, putting her folding arm across Olivia’s stomach.
“She seems nice; how long have you two been partners?” She felt Olivia laugh.
“About two years, I think. I’d asked her if she wanted to partner with me once before. She called me high maintenance.”
“You?” Riley chuckled.
Olivia rested her head gently against hers. “Yeah, I was still drinking at the time. I was pretty messed up. She wasn’t 100% sure that she could trust me. I had to clean up my act before she finally accepted my proposal.” Riley laughed.
“Hmm, sounds like your married?”
Olivia trailed her hand down over Riley’s arm. “It kinda feels like it. I think that’s why it’s hard to be in a relationship with someone in the force. There will always be someone else who they are intimate with, not sexually, but would lay their life down for.” Riley opened her eyes. “You would risk your life for Maggie?”
Olivia didn’t even have to think about it. “Of course, I would.”
Riley rubbed her fingers together before letting her hand stretch over Olivia’s stomach again. She moved her head to look up at her in the dark.
“Would you risk your life for me?” She whispered.
Though she couldn’t see her, Olivia turned to look at her.
“You know I would.” She whispered.
She quickly turned away from the invisible intimate moment she could feel, looking up at the ceiling. She cleared her throat.
“I mean, only if I had to. I mean, it is you.” She giggled. Riley smacked her stomach. “It would have to be dramatic, though. So they can make a movie about me; who could play me?!”
“Oh my god!” Riley got comfortable again, laughing. “Remind me to send Maggie a condolences card.”
“Hey!” They laughed.
The room fell silent. Olivia thought about her partner in crime. Mags was the only one who had believed in her in ages. Apart from the blonde wrapped around her, Maggie would be the only other woman she cared about except for her mom.
In the silence, Olivia heard a faint snore. She kissed her head gently.
Closing her eyes, she tried to ignore the smell of alcohol on Riley's breath.

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