Part 10 -Final

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Riley paced back and forth in the new room she’d been put in at a different hotel. She hadn’t seen Olivia since before she entered the casino. Looking at her watch, that had been a few hours ago. No one had been in touch with her for an hour. She didn’t know anything that was happening. PI Raymond had run over her side of events and dropped her off at the hotel where she was now.

Pouring another glass of wine, she heard a knock at the door.
“Who is it?” She asked, taking a look through the peephole, instantly seeing Olivia.
“It’s Cruz.” Opening the door, she stopped herself from wrapping her arms around Olivia when she noticed Cruz was guiding her in.
“Liv, what’s wrong?” She watched him guide her over to the couch.
“It’s the couch.”
“I’m fine, Riley.”
Cruz turned around, looking at the worry on Riley’s face. “She’s fine, but I’ll let her fill you in.”
“Yeah, thanks, Cruz. I can still hear.” Olivia got comfortable in the corner of the couch. He laughed.
“See, she’s fine. I’ll let you ladies be. I’ll be in touch.”
Riley followed him to the door. “Thanks, Cruz. We’ll talk to you later.”
He stopped at the door. “She’s one tough broad. Look after her.”
“I will, thanks.” She closed the door behind him and turned to look at Olivia. She hadn’t looked at her at all. “Baby, what happened?” She walked back over to the couch placing her hand on her knee. She jumped a little.
“So you’re taken, are you?” Olivia said, signalling her fingers into quotation marks. Riley laughed until she got a good look at Olivia’s face. She reached up to put her hand on her cheek. She noticed Olivia’s sight flinch, and her eyes were dilated.
“What happened after I left?” Olivia put her hand on Riley’s that she could feel on her leg.
“After you cleared the building, we stormed the casino...” Riley was listening but becoming more aware that Olivia had something wrong with her eyes. “ went crazy after the squad came in. I did manage to signal to that bouncer guy. I think he gave the heads up to Jeano because he was gone when we got upstairs.” Riley stayed there, waving her hand in front of Olivia’s face. She’d almost smacked her in the nose with her hand without a response. “He must have left the case there because the tracker...”
“You can’t see, can you?”
Olivia went silent and cleared her throat.
“He left a flash bomb. I can’t see anything, not for a little while anyway.” She felt Riley’s hand on her face again. Riley blinked back the tears that were forming. She leaned forward, tracing her thumb over the lips in front of her before she replaced it with her own. She kissed her gently.
“Have you been checked out?” she asked, not moving away.
“Doc didn’t give me a timeline. He just said I needed to rest, and my eyes will distress in their own time.” She could feel Riley’s breath on her lips.
“Apart from your sight, you’re not hurt, are you?” Riley whispered, rubbing her lips over hers. Olivia followed the path of Riley’s legs with her hands up over her hips and back, pulling her closer.
“I hit the wall, so I will be a bit stiff for a few days, and I’ve got a burn on my back, but I’ll live.” Riley rubbed up against her and kissed her again. Olivia moaned. “I thought you would have freaked out that I couldn’t see?” Riley pulled back and looked at her.
“Babe, I don’t want to lose you again. Even if you come home in a wheelchair, I will be ok as long as you come home to me.”
“Thanks, but that’s not going to happen.” She heard her phone go off in her pocket. She reached down and flicked it open. “Hello? Hey Mag, how are ya?” Riley got up going to pour herself a glass of wine. “Jesus, news travels fast. How did you hear that?” Olivia stood and banged into the coffee table. 'Damn it!’ Riley heard under her breath. She ran over and grabbed Olivia’s arm. She guided her over to the balcony door, opened it and took her out, placing her hand on the railing. “I’m fine, honest Mag...” she leaned against the railing and reached for Riley’s hand. “I can’t see but.....” She pulled Riley’s hand up and kissed the back of it. “It doesn’t mean I’m dead.”

They were put on the next flight available for Los Angeles. The FBI agreed they needed to get out of Los Vegas while Jeano was still on the loose. Olivia felt completely out of control without her slight. She had to rely on Riley to guide her everywhere.
Riley led them to a car but wouldn’t tell her where they were going until Riley led her up some steps towards a door. It felt familiar.
“Wait, are we at my place?” She heard Riley open the door.
“There’s my girl!”
Olivia felt the instant tears in her eyes hearing her father’s voice. He wrapped her in his arms.
“Ouch, Dad, not so tight.”
He guided her in, letting Riley close the door behind them. Hugs from her brothers surrounded Olivia then she heard a voice she knew so well.
“I should have known you couldn’t keep out of trouble.”
“Hey, girl.” She felt her arms wrap around her.
“Damn, I missed you!” Olivia wrapped her arms around her tightly.
“God, it is so good to see you.”
Olivia laughed. “Wish I could say the same.”
John walked over to Riley, who was standing by herself at the table. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead. “Has Liv given you the cops and their partners’ speech?”
Riley sighed. “Yeah, she has.”
“Then you realize that a relationship with a cop usually involves three people?” Riley looked up at John beside her.
“How did you...?”
John smiled. “Riley, Olivia has been in love with you forever. I’ve hoped for years that you would find your way to her, and seeing that look in your eye, you have.”
Riley wrapped her arms around John and kissed his cheek. “I have always loved her. I just didn’t know I could even more.”
“Welcome to the family, my girl.”

Riley left Olivia and Maggie to catch up while she spent some time with John and Olivia’s brothers. A couple of hours later, Maggie returned to the room and pulled Riley aside. “I just wanted to say thank you.”
Riley looked at her, confused. “For what?”
“Olivia. As long as I’ve known her, she’s been so closed off, moody, and lost. She’s a completely different person.” Maggie smiled. “She’s alive again. It seems you were the missing piece.”
Riley smiled widely. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me; thank you. I know she wouldn’t have been able to hold on if it hadn’t been for you by her side every day.”
Maggie smiled. “She’s my partner. I trust her with my life.”
“I know she feels the same way.”
Maggie leaned forward and hugged her. “Liv’s my family that makes you my family. I promise I will do my best to get her home to you every night in one piece.”
“Thank you.” Riley hugged her back.

After Maggie left, Riley decided to go upstairs and relax while Olivia spent some time with her family. She went and hopped in the shower. She was glad to have a bit of normality back. Hopefully, Jeano had kept his word, and she’d seen the last of him and his family. She finished up and went to put her stuff in Olivia’s bedroom. She’d been so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard the door creak open.
“Found you!”
“Jesus, Livia, you gave me a fright!” She looked at her standing before her. “How did you find me?” She reached out, helping her over to the edge of the bed.
“Well...” Olivia stepped closer, touching the body in front of her. “I may not be able to see you, but I can sense you....” She pulled her closer, kissing her neck. “And smell you, I can taste you...” She moved her hands up over her back. “I can feel you...” She pulled her against her, hearing her moan. “And I can hear you. Besides...” She pulled back. “Dad told me you were up here.”  


A couple of weeks later, Olivia sat on the couch at Riley’s place, taking in the minor details of the room that she’d never noticed before. A few days before, she’d attended a self-defence class with Maggie. The Captain had suggested that she attend and learn how to defend herself without her sight. She’d been role-playing with Maggie when Maggie flipped her, and she hit her head on the floor.
She was optimistic she could make out shadowy shapes on the ride up to get checked. The doctor confirmed that she had, in a sense, ‘kick started’ her eyes awake, and rapid activity was going on. When she’d returned to Riley’s place, she watched in wonder as shapes began to become clearer, and by the following afternoon, her sight had almost fully returned.
Riley had been in New York the last few days, so Maggie agreed to stay with Olivia at the house. Olivia had sent her home before Riley was due to come home that evening. She sat there now, thinking of how she would let Riley know she had her sight back.

Riley opened the door pulling her suitcase in behind her. She dropped her keys in the bowl and headed into the lounge, where she expected to see Olivia and Maggie on the couch with a couple of beers and to watch TV. She walked in and saw Olivia sitting there alone, her head back, eyes closed, listening to the TV. Looking around, she smiled, walking up to her quietly. She sat down next to her.
“Did you find the wine?” Olivia asked, acting as if it was Maggie.
“Mmmhmm,” Riley answered. She reached over, placing her hand on Olivia’s thigh.
“I told you we can’t. Riley will be home any minute. Stop it.”
“What!” Riley yelled, removing her hand.
Olivia smiled, still keeping her eyes shut. “Don’t panic, princess. I know it’s you.” She smiled.
“Olivia, that wasn’t funny!” Riley whacked her in the arm. “Where is Maggie anyway?” She asked, looking around.
“I sent her home.”
“What? She left you here alone!” Riley jumped off the couch, finding her phone. She was going to give her a piece of her mind.
Olivia brought her head forward and finally opened her eyes to the vision of Riley in front of her. Grabbing her hand, she pulled her to stand in front of her.
“I sent her home.” She smiled, looking up at her. “Have I ever told you...” She started pulling her closer. “That you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
Riley smiled, looking between the eyes she had gotten used to having no response from. And then she really looked at her. Olivia was glowing; her eyes were sparkling. She bent down and stroked the cheek before her, realizing Olivia’s eyes were looking straight back at her.
“You can see me?”
Olivia sighed, running her hands up the back of Riley’s legs, up her back, not taking her eyes off Riley’s; she stood up, coming to run her fingers through her blonde hair.
“Not only are you beautiful, Riley Munroe, I know...” She brought her hands down to Riley’s jacket lapels. “That under all these clothes....” She pushed the jacket off her shoulders. “Is a damn sexy body...” she trapped Riley’s arms in her jacket, drawing her closer. “That I have been craving to see all week.” She pressed her cheek against Riley’s. She dropped a kiss just below her ear. “What do ya say?” She looked at Riley’s lips only a breath away. Riley released her arms from her jacket and brought them around to Olivia’s face. She sighed, searching the eyes that could see her again.
“So this means you’ll fix the dishwasher now?”
Olivia straightened up, astounded. “What?”
“You heard me.”
Olivia stood there watching Riley’s lips curl into her devilish grin. “Are you blackmailing me, Munroe?”
Riley started unbuttoning her blouse keeping her eyes locked with Olivia’s. “You know it, Detective Inspector Sanchez.”
Olivia couldn’t help but notice Riley’s cleavage becoming more exposed as Riley unbuttoned her blouse. She cleared her throat. “Ok, I will fix the dishwasher; I will even put the dishes in the damn dishwasher.”
“Good to know.” Riley smiled, removing her hands from her blouse. “So...” She swayed. “How did you get your sight back?”
“Do we have to talk about this now?” Olivia groaned, and Riley pushed her back to sit on the couch.
“Yes, we do.” She sat sideways, giving Olivia her full attention. Olivia sighed, looking at her, waiting beside her.
“The cap sent me to a self-defence course with Maggie the other day to sharpen up since I couldn’t see.”
“Yeah”, Riley reached out to play with Olivia’s ponytail. Olivia relaxed.
“Bloody Mag flipped me, and I smacked my head on the floor.” Riley instantly stroked her head.
“Are you ok?” She laughed.
“I’m fine.” Olivia put her hand on her thigh. “Mag took me to the hospital hoping she’d broken my skull, but already I was starting to see shadows.”
“So she actually knocked some sense into you.”
“Haha.” Olivia turned to face her, swinging her arm over the back of the couch. “So I had spent the last couple of days relaxing and distressing my eyes, hoping I could see you when you came home.” Riley smiled warm-heartedly. Olivia looked at her searching her eyes, taking in the flecks of hazel in her brown eyes.
Riley stroked her face. “So when are you going back to work?”
“Monday?” Riley repeated, grabbing the remote to turn the TV off.
“So we have the whole weekend to ourselves then?” She stood, grabbing Olivia’s hand.
“Only dinner at Dad's tomorrow night. But apart from that.”
“Good.” She led her over to the stairs. “Cause I have something I want your attention on, Detective. Me.”
Olivia laughed, letting her push her onto their bedroom.
“Can I have a smoke first?”
“No.” Riley’s eyebrow flicked. “But you're going to need one after.”


Thanks for Reading! Leave us a comment and I hope to see you at the end of another romance.


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