request open

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1. "So what if I broke my arm I'm still doing it"

2."I think I'm falling in love with you"

3."I've had a rough day all I want right now is chips and someone to cuddle with"

4."Please talk to me about it"

5."You know I'm/we're always here for you right?"

6."Noo you can't get up! You're my prisoner for the day" "Well that's comforting"

7."I hate you"

8."Are you wearing my shirt?" ".........maybe"

9."You're my husband/wife now"

10. "I remember practicing how to ask you out in tbe mirror"

11. "Look a shooting star! Make a wish"

12. "If you even think about shoving cake in my face, I will personally shove a stick in your ass"

13. "Damn what's got your panties in a twist?"

14. "Are we bout to kiss right now?"

15. "I'm scared of falling in love"

16. "You told me that you'd never leave me" "Yeah well things change and people lie"

17. "What keeps you up at night?"

18. "I wasn't ready to say goodbye" "You also weren't ready to say hello"

19. "This is breaking my heart"

20. "I wish you were here"

21. "I can't be with you anymore"

22. "I know that you love him/her more than me and it's ok"

23. "You've always been my favorite"

24. "Woah! That's R rated and this is a strictly PG13 household" "Really under what grounds?" "JESUS'S!"

25. "I need my bible after seeing that"

26. "Knock next time!"

27. "Your hair is soft"

28. "You smell like roses"

29. "It's not a double date we are just third and fourth wheeling"

30. "That's mildly inappropriate"

31. "Were you ever going to tell me?"

32. "I'm done trying to help you"

33. "Take your shit and leave. I never want to see you again"

34. "You happy now? Huh does this make you happy? ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!"

35. "Is this how little you think of me?"

36. "Did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me too?"

37. "If you don't stop you'll end up just like your mom/dad"

38. "I tried to move on but nobody is you"

39. "With everything to win, the only thing I lose is you. I'd rather lose everything than lose you"

40. "I need to be baptized after that"

41. "I- ok then"

42. "My dog speaks more eloquently then you"

43. "You're looking a little flustered there babe"

44. "You're the JD to my Veronica/ Veronica to my JD" "Didn't they kill people?" "That's not important"

45. "You need to eat something"

46. "Don't touch me!"

47. "I could use a hug"

48. "How long has it been since you've slept?"

49. "It's 3am stop sending me dirty fairy comments" "I'll stop sending you dirty fairy comments when you stop sending me pictures of Lin Manuel Miranda biting his lip!"

50. "I didn't mean for it to go this far I swear" "Then why start in the first place?"

51. "I was doing fine then you had to come back into my life being all cute and shit"

52. "My mom asked about you again"

53. "My mom/dad said they didn't even noticed I had dimples until I started talking to you"

54. "All he ever did was use you. Why can't you see that?"

55. "My grandma said you're cute"

56. "Can we just stay a bit longer? I don't want to go back to reality"

57. "You deserve so much better"

58. "Please look at me"

59. "You're stupid" "You're stupider" "My point exactly"

60. "You're going to be a great parent one day"

61. "You're walking like a drunken rabbit"

62."Do you ever mean anything you say?"

63. "I love you" "You're playing a dangerous game there bucky mc bing bong"

64. "Shut up and kiss me"

65. "You look like my sleep paralysis demon"

66. "No pogue on pogue macking"

67. "Shut up and fish"

68. "I can't think straight with you around"

69. "I'm twistyyyyyyyyyy"

70. "Draw me like one of your French girls" "I have little to no artistic ability"

71. "We'd make a great couple"

72. "That um fits......well"

73. "You're my sugar baby for the day"

74. "Are you flirting with me?" "No I'm discussing the corrupt government system" "So you are flirting with me!"

75. "I love having nice intelligent conversations with you" "What does soggy bread taste like?"

76. "Come here"

79. "You did this for what?"

80. "I broke my bed"

81. "You anger me"

82. "Fuck you" "When and where?"

A/N: ok so requests are open. Just tell me what number and who you want it to be about. You can also suggest somewhat of a story line.

You can either comment here or PM me :)))

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