John B

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You stir in your sleep on the pull out couch at chateau because you were having a nightmare.

You have been having nightmares since you were 3.

Normally you could handle them but lately they've been more vivid.

For example the nightmare you were currently having was you were drowning in the ocean.

The strong waves kept you under and all you saw below was black.

Just as your about to resurface you feel something grab your ankle to keep you under.

You struggle with the person who is slowly pulling you to the ocean floor.

Your lungs burning as they fill with salt water.

You start to slowly pass out. You eyes flutter as you try to stay awake to fight the person but you were in so much pain you just couldn't do it.

You stop struggling and deal with the pain of drowning. You relax and close your eyes.

You shoot out if your deep sleep shaking. You look around and seeing that you are at the chateau.

It was just a dream. You sigh shakily.

You swing your feet to the side and shutter as they touch the cold floor.

You quietly walk to John B's room.

You lightly shake him. "John B" you whisper and he groans clearly not wanting to get up.

"John B please" you plead he slowly opens his eyes and turns on his lamp.

"Y/n?" He asks groggily and I nod. "What's wrong y/n/n?" He asks holding your hand because you were still shaking.

"I had a nightmare" you tell him.

"Come here" he says. He pulls you into his lap.

"It's okay" he whispers in your ear as he hugs you tightly.

After around 30 minutes you finally calm down thanks to John B.

"Are you ready to go back to sleep now?" He asks you and you nod.

He turns his lamp off and pulls you to lay down with him.

You cuddle into him and you both fall asleep.

It was definitely the best sleep you've ever gotten.

A/n: ok this was a cute lil short imagine. Let me know if you like the shorter ones or the longer ones :)))))))))))))))

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