Chapter V

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There were sounds coming from outside. I need to work fast. I held Stella's chain and examined it. There was no keyhole in it, how did they chain her then.

"OMG, Etta, you are holding the chain and it's not burning your hands." Stella said.

"Just free us. We can talk about this when we are outside." Winter said. She looks like hell.

I thought since it didn't burn, I could just tear it. I didn't rethink and set to work. I tore their chains easily.

We ran out and saw warriors blocking the entrance. I didn't know what to do.

Let's show them what we are made of.


Just watch.

They walked towards them and extended their hands. Fire came out of Stella's hands while ice came from Winter. They took care of the warriors.

But their powers became unstable because it also extended towards forest. They couldn't control it. I just looked on couldn't move.

"Walk to them, you can calm them down. By the way, their powers don't hurt you." Jackie said

"I don't know."

"Just do it. Their wolves are scared. Try mindlink."

Okay, here goes nothing. I walked towards them and opened my arms. I urged them to hug me.

It's okay you guys. You can hug me. Your powers don't hurt me remember.


Okay, I guess.

They came and hugged me. We held on tight for some minutes. They calmed down.

"Before you go all gosh. Remember you still have to get the necklace. There might be a possibility that you can use it to find your parents. If she really isn't your mother."

"Okay fine."

It seems this hug is getting too much. I can't even breath.

"Girls, I can't" I choked out. They left me and we started to laugh.

"So what now?" Stella asked.

"Now, I need to find my necklace. We can talk after. But I need it right now." I replied.

We ran towards my house. People were standing in front of my house. We had to sneak in through the back door. I told my friends to stay at the door of my while I get the necklace. I always kept it under my pillow.

I looked under the pillow I couldn't find it. It can't be, I was sure it was there. My bedcover has many pattern on it, nobody will notice it. Maybe, I removed it from there. I ransacked the room but it wasn't there.

"Girls, I can't find it."
There was no response. I went out and didn't see the girls. Immediately, someone hit me on the head from behind. Then, everything went black.


Someone poured me cold water. I jolted back from unconsciousness and started to wheeze. Who would pour someone cold water, my pack members.

I looked up and found out that I was in front of the pack in the training field. I also saw that my friends were in the same state, tied up to a chair.

"What do we have here?" Our Alpha said from the side. He was with other Alphas.

"It's the outcasts." Alpha Parker said looking at Stella. She looked on at the crowd. The crowd jeered.

"The rejected mate." Martha said from the crowd. Stella flinched and glared at her.

I wish I could just burn her. I would have no regrets.

"So, I called this pack meeting to discuss this girls. They have been a problem since they turned sixteen." Our Alpha said and the crowd nodded. We couldn't call him by his name. He said we aren't worthy to call him.

"There was a development of recent. It seems the girls have been working with the witches. First, Stella blew up her house with them inside and they came out physically fine. Well, they were unconscious for a while. Then, Winter and Stella asked to see Etta, who nurse found out to be Henrietta here. They were denied the request. Do you know what happened?" He said. Nobody made a sound.

"Good, they burnt and froze their rooms. They destroyed them." He grimaced.

"Some warriors locked them up and were killed by their powers."
The pack looked at us with disdain.

"Then, Henrietta ran out to save them. I thought, how pitiful. Well, they managed to escape, as you all can see. They were brought from that black hair idiot's house. So my question is, how did you acquire such powers? Logically, the powers are responsible for the unhurt skin." He said holding my face. I spat on his face and he slapped me.

" You don't want to talk. Who wants to torture her?"
Eric volunteered. How relieving, I thought. He came out and moved to block the pack view. Why would he do that.

"I am sorry kid."
Then, he punched me. While I tried to recover, he slipped  the necklace on my neck and tucked it into the blouse. He punched me twice. I can live with this since he brought my necklace. He went back.

Then, Alpha continued,
"They are such weaklings, they can't even shift. Any wolf that is paired with any of you is compared to a dog. A weak one."

Did he just compare our wolves to DOGS? This man surely has a death wish on him. I'll try and burn him.
Stella tried to use her power, but it didn't work.

"Don't try to do that. It won't work. You will only succeed in hurting yourself. The ropes were laced with blood of a julid." Our Luna, Julie said.

She talks!.

How did they get such a thing. It seems dangerous.

As if she read my mind, she said,
"We got it from a witch. She is over there." She pointed to our backs.

"Kids, we just asked a question. The witch said that only elemental wolves have such powers. So since you girls are wolf less, how did you come by it?" She said gently.

I don't like that woman one bit.

Me too.

Me three.

"We don't bite yet."
We didn't answer her. Would they believe if we said what we know. She scowled when we didn't talk.

"Now listen to me. I am done being nice. You are not worthy to be humans, wolf less beings. Do you know what you are? You. Are. DOGS!" She screamed.

It started to ring in my head.

Dogs dogs dogs.
She called us dogs.

My wolf started to force its way out. It was painful. I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"You have to give me control. It will be easier that way and less painful."

"Ok. Please, it's so painful."



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