2 - Comfort

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"Y/N! Are you joining us?" Daichi asked you, snapping you out of your daydream. "Oh yeah, sorry." You bowed and tied your blonde hair up with the elastic tie that was on your wrist. You stepped onto the court and it felt good to be playing again. "What position do you play?" Daichi questioned you again, so you replied "Middle blocker." and prepared yourself for your turn to spike. "Sorry if I'm a little rusty, I haven't played in a while, I'm not really sure how I'm doing lately.." The captain smiled and said "It's okay."  It was Tanaka's turn to spike, and he hit the ball directly at the floor on the other side. "Nice one, Tanaka!"  Then, it was Asahi's turn. Again, the ball landed on the opposite side of the net, leaving a loud noise echoing after the impact. "Asahi, that was great!" Now it was your turn. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself to run up. Full speed meant full height. You pushed your feet from the standing position you were in, and ran towards the net. You jumped as high as you could, and closed your eyes without even realising. I need to hit this ball! You felt the ball make contact with your hand and it hit the floor with a bang. "Woah that was quick!" You said, turning to the team with your fists clenched in excitement. They were all looking at you with their mouths practically hanging open.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" You asked, not thinking you did anything special. "I'm pretty sure you said you were going to be a little rusty.. and then you play like that?!" Hinata says in shock, and Kageyama even gave you a little thumbs up, but Daichi just stayed staring at you in shock. "Daichi, are you okay?" Sugawara asked, and Daichi tried to get his words out. "She.. just hit that.. that spike.. but her eyes.. they were shut!" The team once again look at you in admiration and shock, and you looked back at Daichi, "Did I? Oh, I didn't even notice!" You laugh and then to the team, and Nishinoya jumps up and cheers. "Y/N! You're so cool! How did you do that?"  You got embarrased at the attention again and tried to change the subject, "No, no, Nishinoya, your position is cooler! You get to run and receive and keep the ball up! I could never do that.."  He seemed to like the compliments you were giving as he put his hands behind his head and smiled in thanks, and Tanaka spoke up too. "Y/N, you're such a badass! You show up all shy, and then pull of some sort of.. superhuman move like that with Kageyama?! That's so cool."  You smile at how nice they were being, and thanked them gratefully. You looked over at Kageyama, who seemed to have a small smile resting on his face. Practice continued and you continued hitting the spikes that Kageyama set to you, the strength of your spikes and the accuracy of his sets made up for a powerful duo.

In between breaks and playing, you came to learn a lot about the team from their little chats. Tsukishima was one of the best blockers, because of his height and power. Yamaguchi was learning float serves, but his nerves stopped him from playing his best. Tanaka and Nishinoya were the two loudest members, and Daichi and Sugawara were like the Mom and Dad. Finally, you learned that Kageyama's nickname was 'King of the Court', and was usually teased by people calling him 'King' in innocent conversation, due to an incident in middle school. You felt sorry for him. He didn't look like someone who is normally happy and excitable, but kind of moody, just like your brother. And when he is happy, someone like Tsukishima comes and ruins his mood.


Break was over, and it was time for half the team to continue spiking, and the others to practice blocking eachother. When it is your time to spike, Kageyama sets it to you and you hit it, and to your surprise, it goes straight between Tsukishima's hands and hits the floor behind. Without really thinking, you hold my hands up to Kageyama for a high ten, but he just looks at you confused. "Kageyama, do you seriously not know what a hugh ten is?" He just continues to look at you blankly, but then puts his hands up in the air, copying your actions, so you smack the palms of your hands against his. "see? it's like a celebration thing," He lets out a little laugh and looks at you happily, and I smile and turn to return to my position. Who gave him the right to be that cute?!

Pull yourself together, y/n. He's just a teammate.

"So.. are we going to talk about the fact that y/n just powered through one of tsukishima's blocks with like, zero effort.. or that she managed to actually make Kageyama give her a high ten and smile?" Nishinoya says to some of the team members, raising his eyebrows. "It's unusual.. Kageyama usually puts all of his focus on the practise, even after the ball is out of play, but he has started shifting his focus over to y/n after she showed up and hit his sets... it must be re-assurance that she will be there when he needs her to be. For the set, I mean.." Sugawara added. "But we're here for him, he never does it to us!" Tanaka whined, and gets shushed for being too loud. Tsukishima seems irritated that you can get through his blocks, but you shrug it off and get ready to hit more sets. As you hit them, you break through more and more of Tsukishima's blocks, which ends up just pissing him off. Why can't he block me, I thought he was one of the best on the team..? Taking advantage of his angry mood, you smirk and say "Height doesn't make up for raw talent, Kei. Don't get too cocky." He glares at you. "Oh don't give me that look, salt shaker, you don't need to be envious of your baby sister." You laugh mockingly and stick your tongue out. You loved the boy but he was so goddamn annoying sometimes.


"You irritate me so much, y/n. Why did you even join?" Tsukishima throws comments at you after you hit yet another spike through his block. This time, he didn't seem to be joking. You look at him blankly and tilt your head. "Why didn't you go and revive that boring girls' team you were talking about? Why do you have to be around me in the only time I get away from you?"  You felt a little weird inside at the fact that your own brother didn't actually want you there, but then someone else stepped in before you could reply.

"Stop arguing, Tsukishima. Just leave her be, it's just a practise." Kageyama said, annoying the blonde even further. "Oh I'm sorry, did the King of the Court want to say something?"  Kageyama grunted and said, "All I'm saying is to show your sister some respect, dumbass. Enough with the names, it's childish." He walked off to grab his water, and you left to do the same. You grabbed a bottle, and sat on the floor next to the wall. You tuck your knees up to your chest and rest your head on them to catch your breath. You heard footsteps coming towards you and Kageyama sat down beside you. "You alright?" He asked, noticing your slight aura of anger. He spoke softly snd quietly, so you guessed he was trying to comfort you. "I guess I'm alright, but Kei thinks that just because we're siblings he gets a free excuse to treat me like garbage." Kageyama sighed and drank his water, "I suppose it's not nice. Me and my older sister always got along and she never acted like that to me.. most be an older brother thing huh.." Older brother. The phrase ran circles around your mind as you drank more water. 5 minutes.. just 5 minutes. 300 seconds. That's the age difference. He's not that special. He's not more important. He got the height, the strength, the power. He had everything you had, but just seemed to have so much more too. "Well, I hope you're feeling alright," Kageyama said as he stood up. "Remember you can take your anger out on the volleyball. When you spike, just hit it as hard as you can. Turn all your anger into power yeah?" He held out his hand to help you up, so you grabbed his wrist to support yourself. "Want me to take your bottle?" He reached out his hand to the empty bottle and you placed it in his hand. "Thank you, Kageyama.."

"..Anytime, y/n."

♛ 𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵 ♛  ➞  kαgєчαmα tσвíσ х fєmαlє rєαdєr ❀Where stories live. Discover now