Meet Another Crazy

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Has anyone ate those cookies before? They are the best! Rivaling Percy's mom's cooking! I'm serious!

————North POV

We need to get Pitch. We need to get Fera. We need to get Percy.

They are all missing.

Why does the Earth have to be so big?

————Percy POV

Oh nice. How fun.

Every I have seen, either can see, feel, or hear me, or they are trying to kill me.

Again. How fun.

Though, I think I need to pick a side.

The side I should pick is pretty obvious.

Fera Flame and this Pitch guy:

1. They are a side.
2. They can see me.

Jack and his crazies

1. They have my memories.
2. Jack was nice.
3. They didn't try to burn down a house.
4. They can see me.

Once again, the side is pretty obvious, but I have no idea how to reach any of them. Actually, I might have an idea.

————Jammie POV

Ok. Jack came and told me that my house caught on fire from a new friend of Pitch. Great. Wonderful.

That was two days ago.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out why there is a ball of water in my room. It's just floating there, moving in circles. It's like the size of my head.

It's starting get on my nerves. If my mom comes in, she's going to freak out.

Jack better get here soon, because I don't want it to just.... fall or something. I'm super confused.

I hear a tapping on the window and the ball freezes. I wonder if it will attack me when if I try to open it. I look at Jack in the window. He looks at me expectantly.

I point to the ball of water. Jack frowns and waves me over. I walk slowly to the window, watching the water. I slid the window open.

"Uh, Jack?" I ask as he walks in and stares at my wall.

"Percy." Jack says slowly. "What are you doing here?"

Percy? What? Who? "Jack."

He looks at me. "Oh, sorry. This is Percy." He gestures towards the wall.

So someone with water powers is standing in front of my wall. I believe Jack. I still flinch as a older teen with windswept black hair and green eyes pops up in front of us.

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask. Jack looks at him too.

"I was trying to get your attention." He jerks his head towards Jack.

"Why?" Jack asks.

"I'm super confused. I have no idea whats going on."

"And your just showing up now?" Jack questions.

"I was thinking." Percy says simply.

I look at him suspiciously.

"Alright. Jammie, mind if I take him to North? It's important." I roll my eyes and smile.

"Of course. I'm not your boss you know." Jack grins and gestures for Percy to follow.

They climb out the window.

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