Chapter 17- "I can do this"

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The feeling of a hand on my forehead pulled me from my sleep. My eyes fluttered open to a dark room with a figure above me. before I could scream or even think of being afraid a soft voice reminded me of my safety

"Hey, sleepyhead" Dereks voice whispered lightly,

my heart fluttered with happiness, he kept his promise. Someone was here when I woke up. I felt better after a long-needed sleep, the nightmares weren't too bad either so I was thankful for every bit of sleep I got.

"H-hi" was all I responded with as he helped me sit up. 

"How ya feeling princess, you've been out for a while" Derek smiled brightly revealing his perfectly white teeth. The complete opposite of all the men I used to be around. 

"I feel a lot b-better, thank you," I said to ask his hand combed through my hair, this guy was going to send me back to sleep if he keeps this up. 

"I'd hope so, you were asleep for 12 hours sweetheart, it's 7 am now" Derek chuckled lightly.

"12 hours?!" I shouted in a whisper tone.

Derek only nodded before chuckling at me again. 

"you needed the rest though sweetheart, you were exhausted and your body still needs to heal," Derek explained kindly.

"I would let you sleep more, but you have a doctor's appointment today. You need to get up love bug," Derek said leaning over and placing a light kiss on my forehead. 

This family had a thing for nicknames...I liked it. All the nicknames make me feel like part of the family Like I belong. I haven't felt like that in ages.

Derek left the room shortly after so I could get ready. 

I quickly got up and made my way to the bathroom. Luckily Derek woke me up with enough time to take a shower, and I definitely need one after my mini break down and quick hibernating session.  After my shower, I finished up my business in the bathroom and made my way back to my room.  

my room.

It felt amazing to say that, it wasn't just some dirty basement. Don't get me wrong I was thankful for that basement I could have had it worse...

"This is your room from now on little rat. But if you're a good girl maybe I'll let you sleep in a  bed once in a while" 

"Aria" my voice drew me back from the depths of my own hair. I quickly turned back to my bedroom door behind me to face them,


"you okay?" Grayson asked looking around my room almost looking for something out of the ordinary

"Y-yeah. I-I'm fine" I said truthfully

Grayson waited a moment just stared at me with a slight smile. He must have gotten lost in his thoughts because right after a couple of quick blinks he spoke again.

"Derek is downstairs waiting for you baby, I got to go to the High school today so I'll see you later," He said while walking up to me.

I was very proud of myself for not stepping back as he walked up to me. I had to look up to see his face. Suddenly but gently his hands cupped my face and my brother leaned down to plant a kiss on my forehead. 

is this what family is?...kisses, hugs, and nicknames. I always thought it was beatings and bruises and yelling....crazy 

 Grayson and I left my room and headed down the stairs into the kitchen. I was surprised to see the whole family up already.  Nancy was by the stove flipping what looked like pancakes. she has a very fancy looking outfit which consisted of some dark blue pants, a white blouse, and a blazer matching the blue pants. she also had her hair in a neat but loose bun allowing her diamond earrings to show more. Next to her was Dad, he also had a suit on but he was in the normal black and white type. Dad was pouring some coffee into four different cups, I assume it's for the four oldest in the house. 

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