chapter 3: stay in days

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setting: next day at four's and x's house (11 am)

                                     four's pov

    usually on the weekends, x and I luckily don't host bfb, so weekends are quite calming for me...

or will it?

    "ACHooo!' x sneezed as he flopped on the couch.

"x, are you sick?" I asked. I knew he would get sick after playing in the snow all day yesterday, but I couldn't stop thinking about those snowmen...hands intertwined
.' i wish that would happen in real life,' i thought, especially in cold weather. However, I know that he doesn't feel that way ...

"four... how come you didn't get a cold like me?" x stared deep inside me, looking for an answer,

"you know I never get sick x. cause I have the best immune system known to...number? I don't know, but it sounds like I have to take care of you." I said. I cant heal sickness, but I can take care of him until then.

X tried to get up, but I stopped him from doing so.

"fourrr, you know I have to do stuff around the house. Like clean, fix breakfast, he-" I stopped x mid-sentence

"x you need to relax, I got this. how hard could it be?" I reassured him. X likes to do chores around the house, but he's sick, so I have to help him! For lo- FOR FRIENDSHIP! >:(

X gave in and went back to watching his show. On the other hand, I started to cook Breakfast for us.

x did everything for me, so I wanted to return the favor. (if it were anyone else, I wouldn't care) but not for x. he's special. He's my everything... I came back from daydreaming and went back to cooking.

5 seconds later...

well, the pancakes are burned. How the **** did I mess this up?
There's smoke everywhere

We didn't Have anymore pancake mix, so I kept coming up with a plan as I tried to get the smoke out the kitchen

                                       X's pov body feels awful... I hate that I have to stay here and do nothing for the day! Four never gets a break, so that's why I try to do everything for him. I don't want to be a burden...But-


I smell something burning

I look over my shoulder to see black smoke consuming the kitchen

oh my god-

I couldn't stop laughing

it did seem like he was having trouble

I wanted to help him, but I knew that he would just yell at me more, so I sat back down just snickering.Watching four try to evaluate the situation was too cute to watch... getting annoyed over pancakes is much more fun than this tv show.

                                   four's pov

okay, okay... what to do four, what to do?!
I look over to x as he was watching me Afar chuckling .
I blush, knowing he saw me freak out. But I couldn't do anything about it, so I look over to the fridge.

We have bananas, milk, andd...

AH HAH! I got it! I assemble all the ingredients and start putting my heart and soul into this dish. This dish I'm making made me quite nostalgic...

X and I used to make this when we first moved here. But everything was quite different from how I see him as I got to know him better

It would be nice if I could confess...

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