Chapter 15

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It was almost Noelle's last day of work. She had five more days left with her job before she went back to school. Noelle went to the beach with her parents to watch the sunset. As they were leaving her dad stoped and started talking to Blake. Noelle's dad:" hey Blake." Blake:" hey." They new each other because Noelle's dad peter worked for the town media department. He interviewed Blake. Pater:" this is my wife and daughter." Noelle rolled down the window. Blake:" oh hey." Noelle:" hey." Blake seemed shocked to see her. Blake:" I'll try not to yell at you anymore." Noelle:" ok." She smiled and giggled a little bit nervously. Peter:" so I have to come down a do a couple of shots." Blake:" I'm I'll be here two days this week." Peter:" ok." Blake:" Yea you can call or text me." Peter:" ok will do. Take care man." Blake:" Yea you too." Noelle rolled up her window. She was so happy that he didn't say anything about Brandon. She was also happy that she had make up on. I mean he hadn't seen her without it. The next day she went to work. She worked the days she was supposed to and at night she would talk to Brandon.  The day after Noelle last day Noelle started school again. She was walking around campus when she saw Blake. Noelle:" hey Blake." Blake:" hey. Do I know you?" Noelle:" I'm peters daughter. I worked at the booth this summer." Blake:" oh yea. Hey. How are you?" Noelle:" I'm good. How are you?" Blake:" I'm good but I have to go to class." Noelle:" Yea me too." Blake:" well nice seeing you." Noelle:" nice seeing you too." Later that day she went to go drop her keys off at the public safety office. As she was walking out there was a park rangers parked next to her. She was confused a little bit because she didn't think that they parked in that parking lot. She walked to her car door and someone put their arms around her. Noelle jumped. Brandon:" I'm sorry I scared you." Noelle turned around and kissed him. Brandon:" I missed you too." Noelle:" what are you doing here?" Brandon:" I saw your car when I was pulling in. I wanted to surprise you." Noelle:" shouldn't you get to work." Brandon:" I am at work." Noelle:" you know what I mean." Brandon:" Yea they are probably watching me right now." They kissed again. Brandon:" hey later you come to my house around 5:00pm." Noelle:" ok. See you then."  Brandon opened her car door for her and then kissed her. Brandon:"see you  then N." Noelle:" see you then B." She got in and he shut the door for her. Then he got into his park rangers car and drove away. At 4:00pm Noelle got ready. At 4:40 Noelle left her house. She got to Brandon's house at 5:02pm. She parked her car and knocked on the door. Brandon opened the door and kissed her. He then grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. Brandon:" hey. I wanted to ask you a question." Noelle:" what?" Brandon:" my parents just called me." Noelle:" oh I'll go and we can meet up later if you want." Brandon:" no. I wanted to know if you want to come with me to meet them." Noelle:" oh. Umm.. is that what you want?" Brandon:" Yea but if you think it's to soon it's fine." Noelle:" no I'll go." Brandon:" Good we will only be there for 10 minutes then I get you all to myself." Noelle:" what are we going to do after that 10 minutes?" He kissed her. Brandon:" more of that and maybe we will get naked." Noelle smiled. Noelle:" god I love you." Brandon:" I love you too." They kissed. Brandon:" ok we have to go." He locked the door to his house and opened the car door for Noelle. He ran to the other side and got in. He kissed her again. Noelle:" don't you have to go." Brandon:" Yea but I wanted another one since I will be losing 10 minutes with you all to myself." Noelle smiled. He backed up the car and drove to his parents house. Brandon help Noelle out of his truck and they walked up to the house. It was a big gray house. Brandon grabbed Noelle's hand. Brandon:" don't be nervous. Everything going to be alright." Noelle:" ok." They walked inside. Brandon:" mom, dad." Two older people like in there late  50's walked in. Brandon mom:" oh my boy is home." They hugged. Brandon:" mom, dad this is my girlfriend Noelle." Noelle:" hey nice to meet you." Brandon mom hugged Noelle. Brandon:" Noelle this is my mom, Janet and my dad, David." Noelle:" it's nice to meet both of you." David:" let me show you the computer screen. Your sister  did something and know we can't get it off." Noelle looked at the picture that was on the wall. Janet:" so Noelle you look Italian." Noelle looked at Brandon's mom. Noelle:" Yea I'm Italian." Janet:" are you 100%?" Noelle:" no I'm also Greek, german and French." Janet:" oh ok. Do you have any siblings?" Noelle:" Yea I have one brother and one sister." Janet:" oh Brandon has a younger sister. Is your sister younger?" Noelle:" Yea." Janet:" oh that cool. Brandon also has two step brother." Noelle:" he does?" Janet:" Yea I was married before David and I had two boys with him. We divorced. He was a piece of shit. Then I met David and had two more kids." Noelle:" oh." Brandon:" ok all fix." Janet:" oh what was wrong?" Brandon:" he made that your screen saver I think she was trying to pull a prank." Janet:" oh that's not nice." Brandon:" Yea. Umm we have to go." Janet:" oh you do. I was just getting to know Noelle." Brandon:" Yea we have to go. I'll bring her back I promise." Janet:" oh ok." Noelle:" bye it was nice to meet you." Brandon grabbed Noelle's hand and they left. On his way to his house he picked up pizza. Brandon:" so what did my mom tell you?" Noelle:" that you have two step brothers and that she was divorced." Brandon:" Yea." Noelle:" why didn't you tell me that?" Brandon:" they aren't my siblings." Noelle:" Yea they are you have the same mom." Brandon:" Yea." Noelle:" so?" Brandon:" I haven't spoken to them in a while. They think being a cop is stupid." Noelle:" oh they are one of those people. So what my brother thinks things that I do are stupid." Brandon:" Yea. I just don't like them." Noelle:" well they are still you half siblings, so they are still part of your family." Brandon:" Yea. Your right." Noelle:" and why did your mom ask me if I was 100% Italian?" Brandon:" oh no she asked you that." Noelle:" Yea." Brandon:" it's because we are Italian and she wants Italian grandkids." Noelle:" oh..Umm..I think it might be too soon to ask about grandkids for them." Brandon:" I'm sorry about her." Noelle:" it's ok. Does it have to be Italian?" Brandon:" Yep. She knows my half sibling would not give her full Italian grandkids." Noelle:" I'm not full Italian." Brandon:" me too." Noelle:" so why does she want full Italian grandkids?" Brandon:" I have no idea." The got to the house and had the pizza. Then they watched tv. Noelle eyes began to fell heavy and she fell asleep on his shoulder.

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