Chapter 10

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 Frank woke up in the middle of the night sweating, his head still resting on Gerard's shoulder. The scene from last night kept replaying in his mind and it was enough to make him sure that he wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep any time soon. He carefully slid out of bed, making sure not to wake Gerard, and made his way into the living room. He was a little surprised to find Mikey sitting on the couch with a mug tightly clasped between his hands. "Can't sleep?" Frank asked, sitting down on the far side of the couch.

Mikey smirked. "Nah," He took a sip from his mug. "You want some tea? I have a hard time sleeping a lot. After the third time Ray found me sitting out here alone, he showed me where all the tea making stuff is so at least I'd have something to do. It's calming too."

"Thanks, but I never really was much of a tea drinker." Frank smiled back, but it faded quickly. There was a burning question in his mind that he had to ask. "Do you really hate it? Being a vampire?"

"I don't hate it, not really." Mikey thought for a moment. "Obviously I'd rather live a normal life, but I meant what I said last night, it's better than being dead."

Frank nodded. He didn't know what to say so he just let them fall into silence.

"So," Mikey started again after a few minutes. "How long have you and my brother been more than friends?"

Frank laughed to himself. "Honestly, I don't know. It's nothing that we've actually talked about, you know? Nothing official. I really love him, a lot. Somewhere in this mess we just started kissing, that's all."

"I guess I'm not surprised, considering the way he used to talk about you when he went to the bar every night. By the end, I think he was going there just to talk to you." Mikey laughed. "And you're not off the hook either, Ray used to tell me all the drunken things you'd say to him about 'the beautiful man that sat at the bar every night'."

"That's fair. One day I gotta learn to shut the fuck up." Frank leaned his head back against the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm worried. My life's gonna be so different."

"Yeah, I can't say it's not. Your life will never be the same." Mikey paused. "I was scared at first, too. I still am sometimes, but Ray and Gee, they've been there for me and they're going to be there for you, and I will too. It's scary pretty often, not feeling like you're fully yourself anymore. The times when you feel like you're not in control are the worst."

As much as Frank wished what Mikey was saying comforted him, it really just created more questions in his mind. They sat in silence a bit longer, Mikey casually sipping his tea and watching shadows dance on the walls. There was one question at the forefront of Frank's mind, and he had to know the answer, so he turned to Mikey and asked, "What did Gerard say that made you change your mind? You said you wouldn't turn me before I passed out, but you did. What was it?"

"He didn't say anything more after you blacked out. I don't think he could've if he wanted to. He was so torn apart at the thought of losing you he couldn't do anything but cry and hold you. He loved you so much, I couldn't do that to him. I had the power to keep you alive, I couldn't let my own bitterness about my life take that from you. I couldn't take you away from Gee."

The sight of Gerard's blood and tear-stained face would be burned in Frank's mind forever. That was the face of someone who thought they were about to lose another person they love. That was the face that saved his life. "Thank you, Mikey, I really can't thank you enough for giving me another chance."

"You gave me one," Mikey said simply. He finished his cup of tea and stood. "I'm going back to bed, take care of Gee." He disappeared quietly out of the room.

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