Chapter 16

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 "This is what we had to do."

"Are you sure it's the right thing?"

"It's the only way to keep you safe."

Frank was no longer in bed, he was seated upright on something much harder than the plush hotel bed he fell asleep in. He opened his eyes slowly, but there was still grogginess filing his vision. He tried to raise a hand to his face to rub at his eyes but they were bound behind him. He binked harder and Gerard and Mikey came into focus in front of him. He was in their living room, seated on a dining room table, facing the back of the floral couch. He didn't remember ever leaving the hotel. Frank looked down, he was still wearing the clothes he fell asleep in. He looked sadly at the Misfits skull of Gerard's shirt, twisted awkwardly on Frank's body. "What's going on?" Everything in the room seemed hazy, like it was filled with smoke. He pulled weakly on the ropes at his wrists, desperate to try and rub his eyes, but his arm wouldn't come free. When he tried to stand he noticed the second rope holding his torso to the chair, digging into his stomach.

"See? He doesn't remember." Gerard tugged on Mikey's sleeve. They were both dressed in all black, jeans, shirts, and leather jackets he'd never seen either of them wear before.

Mikey took a step towards Frank. "You hurt Gerard again." His voice was icy as he spoke. "You did more than hurt him. You killed him. Frank, you killed him."

That didn't seem right, Gerard was standing there, right in front of him. He looked fine, but when he bowed his head, Frank noticed the bandage taped to his neck, he could see the blood was soaking through the gauze. But that still couldn't be right, if Frank killed him, how is he- Frank immediately knew what that meant.

Mikey noticed the flash of realization in Frank's eyes and said, "I had to turn him."

Gerard turned away from both of them and braced his hands on the back of the couch. "I trusted you." He said to his hands, but Frank knew it was directed at him.

Gee, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Frank pleaded, "I don't remember, I really don't remember. Oh, God, I'm so sorry." He racked his brain for any memory of what happened at all and still couldn't find one.

"Sorry isn't going to change what happened." Gerard turned to face Frank, his normally kind eyes looked devoid of compassion.

Frank wanted to choke out another string of apologies, but Mikey cut him off. "You can't be trusted. You're dangerous." Mikey was holding something in his gloved hand that Frank hadn't noticed before. Through the haze, it took him a moment to recognize the beaded necklace for what it was: a Rosary.

"What-" Frank stuttered out. He pushed the heels of his bare feet against the ground and began scooting the chair back. He could feel the panic rising in his throat and he kept peddling back until he felt his hands press against the rough plaster of the wall. "Mikey, you know me. I don't remember, I don't know what happened, I didn't mean to, it was an accident." He pleaded once he couldn't keep moving away, once he was cornered. His eyes started to fill with tears and there was cold sweat running down his back.

Mikey took one last step forward, closing the gap between him and Frank. For a moment, Frank thought he saw pity flash across Mikey's face, but it was gone as fast as it came. "I don't care. I don't care what your reasoning is, you ruined my brother's life. I gave you yours, I can take it back." In one swift movement, he was pressing the cross to Frank's forehead. Frank let out a scream of pain that almost caused Mikey to falter, instead he pressed even harder, focusing on the sizzling sound coming from the skin that was cracking and burning before his eyes.

Frank kept trying to twist away, but his jerky movements were getting weaker by the second. Blood was beginning to stream down Frank's face, he blinked rapidly, trying to keep it out of his eyes. "Please... stop..." Frank's voice was raspy. He turned his eyes to Gerard, silently pleading for him to help. "Gee," He choked. Blood was mixing with tears as it fell down Frank's face and dripped off his chin, landing on Gerard's shirt. The skull was beginning to look like it was crying along with Frank.

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