Chapter 1

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Years after the Upside Down Magic program at Dunwiddle, Upside down students are seen as special and now their magic is seen as powerful instead of something disdainful. People view Upside Down magic the way they view double talents! This was especially good news for Rune Blackleach, as her parents wanted her to get into Sage Academy, which was starting its own Upside Down Magic-like program.

When Rune got her magic in 4th grade, she didn't even notice it at first. That is until she ran into a wall while rushing out to recess and guess what, she walked right through it. After that, things along those lines kept happening. She would sit in her chair and faze through it onto the ground, or randomly end up on the floor under her bed at times. After a few months, she learned how to turn it off so that she wouldn't go through things while she was sitting on them, but it was still inconvenient sometimes.

Today it felt the most inconvenient, as it was the day of the Big Test at Sage. She knew that if he got in, the students would make fun of her, and everyone would know they only let her in because of the publicity they would get from having an upside-down student. Rune was petrified as the line moved, more and more students coming in and out of The Hall of Magic and Performance. It was like when your mom walks away in the grocery store line and then the line immediately starts moving! Soon enough, it was Rune's turn. She entered the Hall and felt out of place. She had gone to a private school before she got her magic, but even then Sage was a little much. Chandeliers, and dragons, and unicorns on the ceiling!

Rune was pulled out of her daydream and brought back to reality when Mr. Puthor said the same thing he said to every student, "State your name". He hadn't said anything menacing, but even then, Ruen was intimidated. "R-Rune Blackleach..." she stuttered. She hated it when she stuttered, especially around really important adults. Mr. Puthor continued. "We will start with basic tests in each category, if you pass one test, we will ask you to show more of what you can do." Rune felt light-headed and sweaty, but she nodded to show she understood and tried to calm herself. "If you can not do the basic test in a category, you do not have that talent, and we must move on, now please approach the table Ms. Blackleach." There was a box on the table, she looked to the teachers for permission to open it, and one nodded. Inside was a disgusting toad, eyes bulging. "Make the toad disappear," Mr. Puthor commanded sternly. The flicker test. After she got her powers, Rune had been dubbed an upside-down flicker, but she knew she couldn't make things invisible. Well, the least she could do was try, maybe she just had weak invisibility magic. She closed her eyes, put her hands over the box, and imagined the toad vanishing, well, at least she tried to imagine, but she couldn't see anything in her mind. She opened her eyes and the hideous toad was still there, just as hideous. If she did have weak invisibility, it must have been the weakest magic possible. She sighed as the teachers quickly jotted in their notebooks.

Next, Rune was given a single match. "Light this without striking it." Rune stared at the match solemnly. Her whole family was filled with flares. Her mother, her father, their parents, maybe she had some of that DNA, hopefully, she could be a double talent instead of just a stupid wonko. She stared at the match and tried to summon the Blackleach in herself, just a little flame, please? She begged the match. Nothing. Rune put the match back on the table and the teachers made more marks than last time. Did they know her family was filled with flares? Were they expecting her to be one? Were they disappointed? Rune shook her head to clear the bad thoughts.

"Lift yourself, two feet off the floor exactly," Said Mr. Puthor. Maybe she could do this, flicker-flyer talents weren't all that uncommon, she knew one in normal school! She tried concentrating on lifting herself off the ground, but she knew that the only way she'd be a flyer was if she grew wings. "I can't."

Mr. Puthor whistled a song and out came a unicorn. "Unicorns hate mushrooms," Mr. Puthor gestured at the pile of them on the table. "So a basic fuzzy test would be to try to get one to eat some out of your hands". Rune was getting desperate at this point Rune was desperate as she picked up the mushrooms. If that unicorn doesn't eat these mushrooms, I'll force-feed them to her. She took a few steps towards the unicorn and put the mushrooms near her face. The unicorn stepped back and she attempted to shove the mushrooms in her mouth. "Stop at once!" Mr. Puthor said. "We will move on to the fluxer test".

Dr. Horace rose from his seat. "This is the last category, if you do not pass this test we will expect something upside down.Now, Ms. Blacleach, your best black kitten". Rune focused hard on turning into a kitten. She didn't want to have to show Sage her wonky magic, she didn't want to be put into a special class where people would call her weird and give her stone looks, knowing she was only in the school because she was weird. She focused so hard, she began to go light-headed and turn purple from holding her breath. Nothing. She couldn't do it. "Well then, show us your magic."Dr. Horace said with a cold glare. "We expect something upside down".

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