Chapter 5

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After dinner they all went to their dorms, they brushed their teeth, changed, and went to bed. Even though they all usually seemed so talkative, none of them had anything to say. They were all thinking.

Who would be their teacher? Were there any other UDM boys? Would they get any other UDM kids as the school year went on? Would they get to be with the normal kids, or would it be like they had to take a special class? Why did Sasha and Thalia hang out with someone as cruel as Cloe Chutmman? That night, no one got a full rest. Everyone was worried about the day ahead.

The next day, they all got up and ready for school in silence. It was almost as silent as the Rune was after taking the Big test. The assembly was boring, as usual, just telling the 5th graders and new enrollers about the school, yada yada.

After the assembly was what really mattered. Dr. Horace gave the new students their schedules. Math, Science, English, not important. Rune read a little further. Flickering and upside-down magic class.

She would have to be doing upside-down magic and regular flicker class? She was happy that she wouldn't have to be some weirdo, confined to only going to the special ed class, but how would she fit in in regular flickering class? What would she even do? She sighed and walked to her first class.

She was uneasy throughout, how could she focus on math when there were all these new kids and teachers who probably thought she was a freak? Science was the same. She was for sure her whole day-no-her whole school year would be the same! That was until English.

After a few minutes in class, someone tapped on her shoulder. It must have been a hot Cheeto girl asking her for a pencil again. She turned around, "What?"

Just then, she saw who the kid was. With his blonde hair, gray eyes, and signature dimples, it would be impossible for Rune to not recognize him.

It was Dylan, Latimer, her best friend from ordinary school. Things were about to get a lot better around here.

"Rune!" he whisper shouted. The English teacher turned around and gave him the signature Sage Academy look. They would talk later. Maybe that was for the best anyway. Maybe it would be for the best if they never talked again.

Dylan hadn't gotten his powers during the school year, he had probably just inherited his Dad's fluxer magic. Sure he knew Rune was upside down, and he had accepted it at their old school, but here at Sage? What if he had made new friends that were against upside down? Rune would have to confront him at lunch.

In Flickering class, Rune was sure everything would go wrong. And it did. Ms. Araminta went around trying to get every flicker to turn invisible, they were timed to see how long they could hold it.

One kid held it for 30 seconds "Average, work harder next time, you are at Sage," 3 minutes, "Now that is Sage Material," 5 minutes, "Excellent! I've never seen such skill from a 5th grader!"

Slowly, Ms. Araminita made her way towards Rune. Sure, some kids were only able to hold it for a few seconds, but at least they were able to hold it at all. There was no way Rune would be able to turn invisible, especially not turn invisible and hold it for more than 30 seconds!

Soon enough, sooner than Rune would have liked, Ms. Araminita had made her way to Rune. "I'm upside, down, I can't do it-" Rune attempted to explain. Ms. Araminita ignored this.

"Try," she pressed. "You are an Upside-down flicker, are you not?" Rune did try. She was hoping that something, in her somewhere would give her the power to act like a normal flicker. She closed her eyes and tried her best to imagine herself turning invisible.

Of course, nothing happened. She knew she wasn't a flicker. It was stupid for Sage to even put her in this class. But something did happen.

Trying to use flicker magic triggered her actual magic, she fazed through her chair and onto the floor, hitting her head on the floor. Ms. Araminta pinched the bridge of her nose and sent Rune off to the nurse.

Even at a private school as great as Sage, the school nurse did anything possible to avoid doing her job. Because of this, Rune spent the rest of flicker class waiting for the nurse to freeze up some ice to give to her. Rune was sure she was better off this way, if she went back to class, they would laugh at her.

After her head stopped aching, Rune wandered towards the UDM class. She would have to meet the last of her classmates here, and after that, she would have to finally talk to Dylan.

In the pit of her stomach, she had a terrible feeling. Her best friend might hate or abandon her after today.

Magic Unbroken book 1|An Upside Down Magic FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora