Chapter 4

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After the assembly, they ate dinner in the cafeteria. While eating with Harvi and Cassandra, Remus walked up to the table with a boy that looked just like him. It must be his brother, I didn't know they'd be twins.

Remus and the other kid sat down next to her. "Ugh." Harvi groaned and mumbled something under her breath.

Did this girl know everyone from her old school? She seemed to have beef with everyone she met. "I don't like you Remus" she rolled her eyes, looking like she was getting ready to leave. "Uh-I'm not here for you, I'm talking to Rune!" Remus blushed.

These kids are weird. "I'm Roman," Remus's twin said. They were so identical, you could only tell them apart by their eyes. Remus's were baby blue, while Roman's were bright green.

"I'm an upside down fuzzy, I-well it's better if I just show you," Roman tapped on his fork and it jumped and spun around, doing a dance. "Finally I get to stretch. I've been at this school for 20 years, going in students' mouths, being used to do hair-"

The fork talked! Roman brought a fork to life. Before the fork could finish it's a never-ending monologue, Roman tapped it again, and it fell to the table. "No magic in the cafeteria!" The table monitor said walking over.

"Especially not freaky magic like that." She mumbled, walking away. "You're magic is so cool!" Rune exclaimed, completely forgetting the rule about yelling in the cafeteria.

"What magic?" a girl said, walking away from Sasha's table. She looked just like a Bratz doll, like Cloe. Rune thought.

"Roman's magic Cloe."Cassandra rested her head in her hand. Rune laughed."Oh, so you weirdos have already heard of me," Cloe flipped her hair. "Yeah," Harvi said. "Sasha kept talking about how you guys are best friends".

Harvi said the words 'best friends' in a sing-songy voice. Maybe she was just mad because she and her best friend Cassandra fought all the time.

"Aah yes, we are best friends," Cloe intertwined her fingers. "Because Sasha and Thalia have cool magic, unlike the rest of you wonkos. I mean honestly, how could your magic ever be useful?"

That word hurt. Rune didn't think her magic was useful either. It usually just caused her to hurt herself. But the other UDM kids defended themselves.

"I could be an electrician!" Harvi scrunched up her nose. "If I learn to take passengers and go long distances, teleporting would be even faster than flyers or planes!" Cassandra's eyes were glossy from furious tears.

"Ugh, whatever Cassandra, you're such a cry baby. I'm leaving before my table monitor sees you sniffling," Just then, a boy from the other side of their table leaned over.

"I can't believe you just yelled at Cloe Chutmman! I've known her for years and even I'm scared of her!" The boy's freckled face was just inches away from Harvi's, who pushed him down into his seat. "Who even are you?"

It seemed like no one introduced themselves before talking these days. "Ah-I'm Phillip.." he scratched the back of his head. "I'm upside down too" Cassandra scoffed,"What can you even do" apparently she didn't care about Cloe's rude remarks as much as she cared about being condescending.

"I turn into other people instead of animals, I'm an upside down fluxer." Cassandra's face glowed. "Do me, do me!" She nearly jumped out of her seat. "I don't know if I can, you're pretty tall, and I can't really hold that height for that long," he admitted.

"I could probably do, who's that girl next to you?" He pointed. "Harvi." She glared at the boy, angry he had even suggested she was short. In seconds, he popped and twisted, and everyone was in awe. He was Harvi!

Before they had a chance to "ooo," and "aah," Phillip fluxed back so the tale monitor wouldn't notice. "At least if I'm wonky I don't have to worry about keeping my human mind, I can only flux into people!" They all laughed until the bell rang, telling them that lunch had ended.

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